Bad Boy

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Colby Brock. The school bad boy.

Gets told off in class for a laugh and messes with everyone. He's in multiple of my classes and he's such a pain to deal with. Especially when I have to sit next to him in l/f/c (least fave class). I hate that class anyway but having him next to me is literal hell.

L/f/c was first period. 'Just great...' I thought to myself. I sat in my seat and the teacher began the lesson. "Heyo!" Colby shouted as he walked through the door, rocking up late as always. "Mr. Brock, why are you late?" The teacher asked. "I was speaking to Mr. Robinson" He lied. "Hmm... Alright then. Take a seat..."

I don't get why the teacher always let him off. I started filling in my worksheet when I feel someone messing with my hair. I turn around to see Colby, fascinated and twirling my hair with his finger, I coughed to catch his attention. He turned back to his work with blush tinted cheeks. 'Does he like me!?' It kept circling through my head until I caught him copying off my answers.

"What are you doing?" I asked bluntly. "Copying off your answers, I don't get it." He didn't take his eyes off the paper. "Figure them out yourself!" I snapped and covered my answers with my arm.

A few minutes later he was rummaging through my pencil case. I coughed again for his attention. "My pen ran out." He shrugged. "At least ask me next time instead of going through my stuff." I said while handing him a blue pen. We made eye contact and his eyes were so blue... (Your eyes are bluer than the ocean sky dude- Corey.) I could just get lost in them... "Hello?" he was waving his hand in front of my face while I zoned back in and got back to my work.

The rest of the class was fine apart from a few distractions here and there but I also managed to finish all the work for once. Colby had to stay behind in class again because of the trouble he caused with the class while I started walking over to my friends. "Yo y/n!" Colby's voice boomed through the corridor. I turned around and before I could say anything I was pushed up against the lockers.

His lips were against mine and his hands made their way to my waist. I was unaware of what was happening at first but after a few seconds my arms wrapped around his neck and I kissed back. My friends were only down
the corridor so they were probably snapping pictures. After what felt like 15 minutes was only around 20 seconds he pulled away. Our eyes met once again but this time his eyes looked more loving. More fulfilled.

"See ya later babe." With that he gave me a peck on the lips and went over to his mates who were all punching his arm and celebrating in some way. My friends just ran up to me and started squealing.

God this was confusing.

OMG OVER 520 VIEWS AND 46 VOTES! I'm so glad people are actually enjoying my stories! Please message or comment anything else you would like to see. <3 Bai!

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