Chapter 3

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Over the next few weeks, Cruella De-Vil quickly grew to fame as she appeared on the front page news, on magazines, and even gave out awards at dog shows. There even seemed to be a new version of her song, but it was nothing like the classic Rodger once composed long ago. 

Kali, the twins, and their dalmatians were shocked, as they hadn't seen Cruella in years that she was actually trying to save dogs rather than kill them for their fur. They were also shocked to see that Cruella's son, Carlos De-Vil was actually okay around dogs now, even petting them and not being scared. 

Chloe and the teens took their dalmatians out for a walk one day. When they saw a double-decker bus with a advertisement sign of Cruella on the side with a bunch of dogs. The gang all looked at each other, not trusting Cruella at all, even if she was rehabilitated.

Chloe kept a close eye on Cruella with the teens help, but they also watched with joy as Dipstick and Dottie's puppies grew. Kali got to name all three of the puppies once their spots developed. 

First there was Domino, the oldest. Named for the white spots on his black ears that looked like domino tiles. 

Next was Little Dipper. He was given that name cause his tail looked exactly like his dad's. 

And then there was Oddball, the runt of the litter and only girl. Unlike the rest of her family she had not developed any spots, thus earning her name.

Although Kali, Lucky, and the rest of the family didn't mind Oddball not having any spots, she was not happy about it. Domino and Little Dipper did tease her at first for not having spots, but they never went too far with it when their sister felt sad. 

Kali loved Oddball though, just the way she was. The tomboy and spotless puppy were already very attached to each other, just like the way how Kali and Lucky were extremely attached to each other back when they were young, leading up to Kali adopting Lucky. There was a real bond between those two. 

The puppies did enjoy playing with their aunt and uncles. One of their favorite games was where they pretend the adults where giant mountains which the puppies had to climb over them in order to get to the buried treasure on the other side. The adult dalmatians also gave the puppies rides on their backs. Marshall pretended he was a firetruck, making siren noises while the puppies were riding on his back, which they enjoyed.  

One day, Kali and the gang took the puppies out to the Dearly farm to meet their grandparents Pongo and Perdita and some of their other aunts and uncles on the Dalmatian Plantation, along with meeting Roger and Anita again with their two kids. Plus, Lucky, Rolly, and Cadpig reunited with their chicken friend Spot, who was now a mother herself.    

Later that night when they got back home, Kali and Brock were wrestling with the puppies. Domino had got a hold of Kali's yellow bandanna in his mouth and was trying to yank it off from her head. 

"Dinner time!" Chloe then called, interrupting their game. 

Rolly was obviously the first one over to eat his kibble, and he was already almost done when the rest of the dalmatians came over to eat. 

"Same old Rolly" Dipstick laughed at his slightly pudgy brother, who had never outgrown from his huge appetite.

Soon after dinner, just before it was bed time for the puppies, Kali and the rest of the gang told Oddball and her brothers various stories of the tomboy's and their aunt and uncles past adventures. 

There was the time back when Kali and Lucky were young they recovered the Queen's jewels with the help of the pups grandfather Pongo, along with Colonel and Sergeant Tibbs. Another time was when Kali and the twins went on a dalmatian vacation with the whole family for Roger and Anita's one-year wedding anniversary. Then a more recent time before the pups were born was when Kali and the dalmatians woke up one morning to find every human in the world in a deep-sleep. That adventure was now known as "The Starlight Barking". 

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