Chapter 2

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Hours later after the plane landed, the gang had arrived in London. They were all in wow, as it had been years since they've been in London. But this was no time for sight-seeing, as Dottie could have her puppies any time now. 

The gang hopped into a taxi and headed straight to Chloe's London flat where she lived. The adult dalmatians were most especially anxious to make it in time for the birth of their brother's puppies. 

They soon pulled up to the building where Chloe lived and got out of the taxi. The gang raced upstairs to Chloe's apartment. 

They had arrived just in time as Kali knocked on the door and Chloe opened it. Chloe already looked exhausted from being busy the past few days with her paperwork, and most importantly her two dalmatians.  

"Kali! I can't believe you guys made it!" Chloe was overjoyed to see them, then surprised to see that they brought their dalmatians as well. 

"Well, we're glad to be here" Brock smiled to the blonde haired woman. 

They soon came in, when the now adult Dipstick suddenly came running towards them from out of nowhere and jumped straight into Kali's arms, reuniting with her. 

"Whoa!" the teenage tomboy nearly fell over, but she caught herself against the wall while holding onto Dipstick in her arms. 

"Hey boy!" she petted Dipstick, as she hadn't seen him in years. 

"Hey Kali! I've missed you!" Dipstick wagged his tail widely and licked the teenager's face. He then got down from Kali's arms after spotting Marshall and his siblings. 

"Guys!" Dipstick came over, happy to be reunited with his siblings who he hadn't seen in a long time. "I can't believe you're here". 

"We wouldn't miss this for the world, bro" Patch replied while smiling to his brother.  

Now even though Chloe couldn't understand animals like Kali and the twins did, she could tell the dalmatian siblings were happy to see each other again. 

After a quick reunite, the gang soon came over to find Dottie lying in the dog bed in deep pain, as she had just gone into labor. 

"Hello Dottie..." Kali and the others said softly as they came over to Dipstick's mate. 

"Oh, hello Kali, everyone, it's so good to see all of you" Dottie said, smiling to them while in between breaths. "Sorry the reunion couldn't be under better circumstances". 

"That's okay, we're here to help" Marshall smiled to the female dalmatian. 

The gang got right to work to do whatever they could to help Dottie. Marshall of course helped out with the birth since he was also trained as a medical pup after all. Soon, the whole gang helped Dottie deliver three puppies. Hours passed, as Kali helped Dottie with the last puppy that was born. 

"Oh Dottie, they're absolutely beautiful. Aren't they Dipstick?" Chloe said to her two pet dalmatians.

Dipstick's siblings were very happy to now be uncles and aunt to their new niece and nephews. 

"You must be very proud" Kali turned, smiling at the new father, who she knew since a puppy.   

"I sure am" Dipstick smiled back, before coming over to Dottie's side and licked her on the cheek. "Good job, honey". 

The gang then looked to see one of the puppies was playing with a squeaky toy, instead of drinking milk from her mother. Everyone chuckled to the newborn puppy. 

"Well, looks like this little one's gonna be an adventurer, just like her uncle" Lucky smiled, already loving his baby niece.  

"You are an odd one aren't you?" Kali chuckled as she gently moved the puppy back over to her brothers to drink her milk from her mother. "There you go" she said softly.

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