Chapter 28

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It's been a couple of months now since the accident.

After a few days of recovering in the hospital, my broken bones and bruises finally healed up.

Josh hasn't been found yet. My stomach is sick with worry with what could've happened to him. I'm angry and upset with the police not finding him but it's really not much of their fault. He kidnapped me for a couple of days and they didn't even find me or him then so it would be hard to find Josh now. I really hope and pray that he hasn't found my real parents yet, but I have a bad feeling.

Josh's helpers were found and my parents were safe, only a few bruises to the face but that's it. Josh's helpers were put straight into jail without further questioning.

I'm currently living with my parents now as they are back together. I'm so surprisingly happy with them being back together. It was a bit strange and weird at first but now we are all like a proper family.

Police used to surround our house for the first couple of weeks just incase Josh unexpectedly turned up but they have left now. I'm not sure why though, Josh could still just turn up any minute.

But I'm happy I still have Aundre. Yes, Aundre....he turned up at the hospital during my recovery to see if I was alright. I was completely shocked and angry at first but I'm used to it now. Turns out, he coincidently moved to Australia and he knew about Josh all along and I was too stupid to see it. We talked about everything like what happened with him and Brittany and he explained everything. He was drunk and stupid that night but I still don't trust him. We definitely aren't together again because of everything with Josh, it was just to much, but we are close friends.

Aundre comes over everyday to hang out with me and see how I'm doing. We are so close now it's unbelievable.

During the hospital I also got a few visitors from all of my school friends and Amily and Nevely. I was so happy when I saw them i nearly ripped all of the needles out of my arm to give all of them a hug. I missed them so much.

"Omg Stacey are you okay!" Laurdes and hanla asks me in unison

"We missed you so much" tenneala and Nikki say

"Im so sorry Stacey" I recall Lortus saying when she started to cry

"Does anyone want any food from the cafeteria?" Gracela asked causing me to laugh out loud, which I haven't done in a while

As soon as Amily and Nevely walked through the door I screamed with excitement and they gave me lots of hugs.

"Guys, I'm alright but thank you so much for being here for me, I don't know what I'd do without you guys!" I speak with a smile plastered on my face. In return they all give me hugs and we have the usual conversation about random things and the latest gossip.

But now I'm at home with my family and Aundre. I still think about Josh everyday. My heart is broken. I hate him so so much but I know that deep down inside, I still love him the tiniest bit. It hurts me to think that he didn't love me at all but I try and pretend that he did.

It feels so nice and comforting being at home again. I guess I thought I would never see my parents again or my bedroom. But I can't sleep properly knowing that Josh used to sleep with me. He haunts me every night even when he's not here.

"What are you so deep in thought about?" Aundre asks, sitting in front of the television with me, eating a big bowel of popcorn. Dad is in the kitchen stirring up a storm and mum is sitting on the opposite couch. This scene is all to familiar.

"Oh... You know just thinking about stuff" I answer

Aundre looks at me funny and pulls his eyebrows together "you know you can tell me anything you want Stac"

I smile at his nickname he gave me that he always used to call me "no I'm fine" I smile reassuring him

"Okay then" he says, not believing me and turns his head back to the television. A couple of minutes pass by when I suddenly hear a knock on the door.

Dad goes to get it before I shout "I'll get it!" We don't usually have visitors beside close friends and Aundre as we are an enclosed family.

I step up from the couch and lightly jog to the door. I swing it open with excitement only for my heart to drop. I struggle to breath and my vision becomes blurry.

"Well it's good to see you again, Honey" he says side smiling


Hey guys sorry for the short and boring chappie! It was more of a filler :--)

I hope you like it but sadly it's going to be either the second or third last chapter!!

PLEASE vote and comment!! And thank you so much for 3.5k WOO! 💗💗💗🙌

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