Chapter 13

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A couple hours later, we finally arrive

"This is so beautiful josh" I say

It really was, it was a type of lagoon, the water was crystal clear and there were cute Lilly pads everywhere. I started in shock

"This is the most beautifulest place I've ever been" I say honestly

"I thought you would've liked it" Josh smiles "come on then, let's swim!"

He starts taking off his shirt

Oh god

"Do you like what you see huh" he cheekily says

"Uhh no" I blush

Once his only in his shorts I take off my clothes too, displaying my bikini

He stares at me in shock

"What?" I questions

"Nevermind" he responds

We start waking to the lagoon when we both spot a swing rope

"ME FIRST" we both shout at the same time

We both sprint to the swing rope laughing and I end up reaching it first

"Hey that's not fair I was laughing to much" Josh pouts

"No excuses" I put my hands on the rope and step on to the rock just as I was about to push off Josh jumps on my back so we end up swinging together

"WOOOOOO" we scream in hysterics

I splash into the water and open my eyes

It's breathtaking

The clearness of this water is amazing!

I reach the surface to find josh waiting for me

"Well that was fun" he says

" yeah" I say sarcastically

"Aww cmon, I couldn't wait until my turn and you just looked so beautiful" he says flashing his side smile

"awww" I giggle as well as blushing a little

"Ready lets play chasey" he laughs

"Why, that's a kids game" I respond

"Fine then, kiss chasey"

"Deal! Your it!" I start swimming away

"I'm gonna catch you" he laughs

"Good!" I laugh

I swim fast but not to fast so then he can catch me

Finally, he catches me

"I have to kiss you now" he says while breathing heavily

"Okay" I say giggling

He bends down and presses his lips to mine

A feeling of warmth comes over me and I feel like we are the only people in the world

This is such a beautiful place and I'm so happy that I get to spend it with Josh

We break away

"My turn to get you now!" I laugh playfully

"Catch me if you can!" Josh says


After a couple of hours in the water it starts getting dark and we head back up to his car

I sit on the hood while Josh gets the picnic that we packed at my house from inside the car

He jumps onto the hood and we dig into the sandwiches and chocolate

"Mmm, Thank you for today" I mumble with a mouth full of food

"Your welcome Stacey" he smiles


Sorry for the short chapter guys I just wanted to give ya something :) thanks for readangg xx

The New Girl ( ian somerhalder & nina dobrev - vampire diaries )Where stories live. Discover now