Chapter 22

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I wake up with Josh's arms wrapped around my freezing body making me warm. I instantly think that it's a normal winters day when suddenly the memories come speeding back into my sore, head.

Oh yeah. That's right. I'm adopted to a lying mother and a confusing father and I don't even know who my real parents and I don't even know where to go anymore. Great

I feel the tears coming but this time they don't come, all my tears have gone.

I lay back down feeling ridiculously tired with my sore eyes as I've been crying almost all night. I try shaking Josh awake but he's a deep sleeper so he doesn't budge.

"Josh" I whisper into his ear "joosshh"

"JOSH" I shout. He mumbles something I don't understand and suddenly he jolts his eyes open, staring into mine.

"oh, mornen Stacey! Are you okay" he says trying to cheer me up with a happy voice

"Yeah, well I don't know, I guess so?" I reply unsure

"C'mere" he reaches out for a hug, which I do, but only quickly as I know I will probably burst out in tears again.

"Let's go do something today! Let's get you out to forget about everything for a day, yeah?" Josh questions

"Yeah okay, but I don't know what I'll wear because I'm definitely not wearing this again!" I look down at my wrinkled up clothes from yesterday

"That's okay, you can use my sisters! She's about the same size as you"

Josh's sister Caroline is extremely pretty just like how Josh is extremely handsome. Caroline is a few years older then me but she is quite skinny so I'm sure I'll fit into her fashionable clothes well.

Josh walks out of the room and in less than 5 minutes comes back with a pile of clothes in hand.

I rush out of the room and walk into the bathroom hurriedly before anyone could see my terrible face. I glance into the mirror slightly shocked at how horrible my face actually looks. I have mascara stains all under my eyes and tear streaks stained down my cheeks. My hair is a wild mess and my clothes are all out of whack on my body.

I quickly jump in the shower then once I'm out I hurriedly run a brush I found down my hair uncurling all the knots and I brush my teeth with their spare toothbrush.

I start putting on Caroline's clothes realising that Josh has chosen me a casual long sleeved tight shirt and a a pair of slightly rolled up jeans. I slip on the black converses and fish around for some of Caroline's makeup.

Once I found it I quickly but carefully apply a generous amount of powder and mascara then once I think I look presentable I head out the door.

"Jeez! What took you so long!" Josh said

"Well, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do" I shrug, half smiling

"Well you look beautiful" Josh smiles back, revealing his beautiful white glistening teeth

I study what Josh's wearing and I realise his wearing a muscle tee top showing off his muscly tanned arms and a pair of jeans and a pair of blue shoes.

"So do you" I giggle

"very funny, now let's get cracken! Josh shouts whilst running up to be and picking me up from the waist and swing me around so I squeal.

He puts me down and grabs my hand "so where do you want to go today!"

"Mmmm, I have a craving for.. Mc' Donald's!"

"Okie dokies" Josh says whilst I laugh out loud

Even though my heart still hurts from what has happened, Josh still manages to make me smile and laugh.


During the day, Josh takes me out to Mc'Donalds and to the shops to get me some new clothes.

"Hurrryyy uppp" Josh whines from outside of the change rooms

"well you did want to take me out shopping" I laugh

"I know, never again!" He whines some more

"Whatever then" I say

When I'm finally done trying out my new clothes I decide to get a new pair of jeans and a woollen cardigan.

"Thank you Josh!" I step up on my tip-toes to give him a quick kiss on the lips " for everything"

"no problem Stacey, anything for you" he smiles returning a kiss

I receive a sudden text message and I instantly feel sick. I pull my phone out of my pocket and the word mum flashes across the screen. I quickly shove it in my pocket and ignore it only to receive 2 more.


"Don't worry about it hun" Josh wraps his arm around my waist while we walk out of target.

"Mmhmm" I reply

We hop into the car and quickly turn the heater on as it's absolutely freezing outside.


"Yes" he smiles

"Would it be alright if I stay at your house one more night until I'm ready to go back home" I ask shakily

"Sure you can, you can stay as long as you like Stacey"

"I love you"

"I love you too Josh"


Hey guys sorry that this was just a boring filler!

I went back to my previous chapters and I realised how stupid they were and how fast I made Josh say to Stacey "i love you" and all that shize so sorry about that!

Thankyou so much for 2k! It might not seem like a lot to you guys but it means a lot to me so thankyou! Please vote and comment xxx

The New Girl ( ian somerhalder & nina dobrev - vampire diaries )Where stories live. Discover now