Chapter 8

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A week later, I'm saying my goodbyes to Amily and Nevely

I'm so upset that they are going, we had the best time last week

"I'm gonna miss you"

"I'm gonna miss you to" Amily says

"Quit it with all the sadness, geez it's not like we aren't ever going to see each other again" Nevely says

We all laugh when suddenly the airport speaker comes on and says that their plane is about to open it's gates

"Well toodles" Nevely says

" catch ya around with ya new boyfriend" Amily winks

" shuudduupp" I say

I quickly hug them and they skip off to catch the plane back to California


I'm now at home from the long drive from the airport and I'm bored to the max

It's a Saturday, aren't I supposed to be out with all my friends partying?

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing, it's an unknown number

Hmm, I decided to answer it

I swipe my finger across the screen to answer the call


" um hi" the other person says in a deep voice

"Who's this"

"It's josh, remember me"

I just know that he's pulling that side smile of his

"Oh yeah of course!"

"Alright, I'm still feeling bad about your phone so why don't you come to Westfield Tavern and I'll meet you there"

"Uh.. Okay sure" I say with an excitement but also a nervous voice

"Okay, Ill meet you there in about 2 hours, see you then"

"Bye" I say as I put my phone down

Omg, I can't believe I'm meeting a perfect stranger.. Well not really a stranger because I've seen him like twice but anyways, I'm meeting him at a restaurant! I should be a bit worried as I don't really know him and who knows, he could even be an undercover cop? But I'm actually just really excited! I quickly hop in the shower and once I'm out, I decide to curl the bottom of my hair so it bounces when I walk, I quickly but neatly apply a little bit of foundation, eye makeup and lipstick and choose the perfect outfit to wear which is a mid-drift sky blue top and some high waisted shorts and a cute pair of flats.

It's now half an hour until I'm supposed to meet josh at the Westfield Tavern, but I'm already here!

Why am I already here?

I must be starting to get obsessed

I can feel the butterflies in my stomach going a million miles an hour

What do I say when I see him? What do I do? I quickly look in my cars rear view mirror to check my makeup is still on.

It will do

While I'm waiting, I quickly bring my phone out and check my social media sites

There's nothing really that interesting so I put my phone back into my clutch

I decide to just get out of the car and head to the restaurant because he might already be there waiting for me

"Stacey Millian" I say to the waiters

"Just right this way m'am"

Wow, this restaurant is way too fancy for me, there's massive chandeliers hanging from the roof, the people are all dressed so poshly with their neatly ironed dresses and then there's me with my belly showing. Everyone staring at me like I'm a criminal or something. The waiter sits me at a table and of course Josh isn't here yet! This is so embarrassing sitting at a table by myself so I take my phone out and pretend I'm reading something when really I'm staring at the background wallpaper.

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I turn around to see that beautiful face of his

"Oh hey there" I say, realising that that didn't sound too polite

"Hello, nice pictures you have there"

"Omg! How long were you standing there for!"

"Quite a while actually" he says smirking

He sits down at the table and I realise he is in a tuxedo

Omg! Why did I wear this! I feel so stupid

"How are you?" He says

"I'm good, and you?" I try to sound polite

"Fine, I got you a present"

What! Why? What Is it?"

He brings out a small box shaped thing

I carefully tear at the corners, trying not to look like a little kid on Christmas as I just love presents! I mean, who doesn't?

"You got me an iPhone!"

" of course I did! I smashed you old one didn't I?"

"Yes you did but you didn't have to go out of your way to buy me a new one!"

" well I had a lot of money to spare so why not spend it on you?"

That sentence made my stomach flutter and I think I blushed a little


Throughout out the whole night we were getting to know each other, asking each other questions and most of it was spent laughing. His beautiful crystal like eyes never left my site, and his laugh was like no other. Every time he would speak I would blush at the nice tone of his voice. He payed for my whole meal even though I got the most expensive things!

" thanks for a good night" I say once he dropped me off

"No, thankyou my lady" we both giggle at his silly speech

We look into each other's eyes and I don't know what to do so I nervously get out of the car before it turned weird

I wave as he starts driving off and he waves back

That was possibly the best night of my life


Thanks for reading guys! It meant a lot :))

The New Girl ( ian somerhalder & nina dobrev - vampire diaries )Where stories live. Discover now