Chapter 13

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Dear Diary,

I kissed Damon Salvatore. I think I'm falling for him, hard. Whenever we touch it's like an electricity wire has been cur and sparks fly. The connection between us is strong, stronger than it used to be. His eyes draw me in first, and then his touch. He has a way with words, and I love it. I immediately surrender to him, without him having to life a finger. I could see us together for a long time, eternity even. I'm afraid of what this might do to Stefan. I love him, but I'm in love with Damon. When I choose, the bond between them will break, and I don't know what the consequences will be for me. If only Stefan knew...he wouldn't keep fighting for me then. I've decided to ask Damon to be my date for Miss Mystic Falls. I can remember the last one, when I wasn't expecting him to be waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Now I can't wait to dance with him.

I closed my diary and set it under a pillow. Sighing, I grabbed the card that Katherine gave me, and called the number written on it.

"Made your decision already?" Katherine asked slyly.

"I have a proposition," I said, cringing as I fell back on my bed.

"And that would be?" she asked. She was somewhere quiet, there were no sounds, only silence suffocating the phone line. I stared at my ceiling for a few seconds before rolling on my side.

"Damon wants to help, or else he said I'm not doing it."

"Damon wants to help? What can he do?"

"Katherine it was a yes or no that I was looking for," I replied.

"I don't really have a choice, but then again I do. I can say no, and kill your precious Damon anyway...but I'm going to let him help you because I'm excited to see how you turn out." I could hear the smile in her voice and I sighed with relief.

"You're not kidding? You're actually sparing lives?"

"Don't push it Elena. Tell Damon to call me when he's ready for this to begin. Good luck." Katherine immediately cut the line and I sent a message to Damon: Katherine agreed, call her on this number when you're ready. I left the number and locked my phone, walking over to my desk and opening a textbook to study.

The next few days passed with a blur and in that time I had completed two exams, and a whole lot of Miss Mystic Falls planning with Caroline, being careful not to spill that Stefan wasn't going to be my date any more. We had arranged the seating, gone shopping for my outfit and decided on the track list for the dances, as well as writing Caroline's speeches. It was really successful. Stefan dropped me off and picked me up from school, making small talk, but I knew nothing was going to come from it.

By the end of the week, I was exhausted from school work, but I kept my energy up by drinking twice the amount of blood than usual, and it made me stronger. Klaus wasn't around, and Bonnie had returned to her usual self.

"We're leaving now," Damon told me, appearing at my bedroom door suddenly. I didn't even realise he had walked into the house.

"Now?" I squeaked.

"Katherine has given us a time limit to be there, if we don't show up she'll go on a bitch rampage, the usual," he explained, leaning against the doorframe. "You don't need anything either, in case you were wondering. Don't even bring your phone, so I suggest to text Jeremy and tell him you'll be out late."

"This is going to be a long process isn't it?" I asked him, and he nodded as I grabbed my phone. I sent a message to my brother and walked downstairs with Damon.

"Keep your guard up at least," Damon said as we got into his car. "Oh, and by the way Stefan has no idea, so cover up."

"You have no idea how nervous I am about this, I have no idea what to expect." Damon sped up and grabbed my hand.

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