Chapter 26

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Poppy and I stayed at the cafe until late – drinking one latte after another –she even made me her speciality – eggs benedict with chopped spring onion and a side salad. Strange concoction I know, but surprisingly tasty.

‘I can’t drink anymore of this stuff, I mean it Poppy I’ll never sleep!’

She placed a small cup under the machine and the steam came roaring out. ‘Just one more – geez there’s people out there taking all kinds of drugs and you’re worried about caffeine consumption!’

Flicking her ponytail to one side, her tongue poked out, as she concentrated on making the coffee - I had never seen her in her element as much as I did at that moment.

Untying the apron from around her waist, she tossed it over the counter – covering the dish where the muffins lived. ‘That’s better’. She gasped, taking a seat opposite me.

Slurping on the froth, she began picking out the chocolate sprinkles with a small spoon. I thought this was as good a time as any to ask the burning question. ‘So how long have Josie and Scott been seeing each other?’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘You know what I’m talking about.’

 ‘No. I really don’t, Jen. Can you kindly elaborate?’ she replied, licking the froth off the tall end of the spoon.

‘I saw them earlier on. She was dressed up to the nines and he had come to pick her up. It was quite clear to me they were going on a date or something.’

 ‘I don’t know anything Jen. And why do you care anyway? I thought you were into that Jason guy.’

‘I don’t care.  ’ Leaning back into my chair I forced out a yawn. ‘I was just trying to make conversation that’s all.’

‘To be really honest I think we are better off without guys. All they do is cause mayhem.’

‘That’s not true.’

‘Is that so? Then where is your knight in shining armour?’

Dipping my head inside the cup, I replied with as much enthusiasm as the moment would allow. ‘He’s coming, one day.’

Getting up from her chair – she walked over to the other end of the café and began turning all the lights off. ‘I sure hope so, Jen.’

‘So they are not dating? That’s strange.’

‘What was that?’ she yelled from the staff room.

‘Nothing, I didn’t say anything.’

Her sudden appearance startled me. ‘These sandwiches are passed their sell by date. You can take them home if you want, they are still fresh, it’s just Scott nit picking.’

‘Thanks.’ I replied, taking the box from her.

‘I’ve been meaning to ask you, Jen. One of my old Uni friends is getting married in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if you’d like to come – it’s going to be a really lush ceremony – apparently she's marrying Giles Cowen, a property investor from Maine .’

‘I have a really bad memory these days.’

‘You must remember me telling you about her – – the one who has a fear of vegetables? Look Jen, I’m not sure what’s been bothering you lately but I think you’ll really enjoy it. Josie will be there and Scott. It’s going to be a two day ceremony,  his parents are mega – ultra rich and want their only child to have the best day possible.’

‘Will they be okay with us all turning up to the wedding? They don’t even know who we are.’

‘Oh believe me. ‘She said, pulling an oversized cardigan over her shoulders. ‘They are so well off they won’t even know we’re there. Say you’ll come?’ she pouted her lips in a beseeching manner.

‘Fine, I’ll be there.’

 ‘Good!’ she replied, ushering me out of the café. ‘Is that box too heavy for you to carry on the train?’

‘No its fine thanks.’

Wrapping her arms around my neck – she squeezed me really tight. ‘I’ll call you.’

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