Chapter 34

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We walk down to the casino. Theo walks us over to a poker table and I tell him "I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom."

I walk to the bathroom and get in a stall. I take out the pregnancy test.

It says I have to wait at least 15 minutes before I can know. so I just stay in the bathroom stall the entire time playing games on my phone or listening to music.

My timer finally goes off indicating it's time that I can find out.

I slowly look at my results.

I feel like my life is taken away from me, I can feel the life being drained from my face.

I'm pregnant

I'm only 22, 23 in August. Why will Theo think?

I throw the test away and go to wash my hands.

As I wash my hands I look into the mirror and think to myself why me? I splash water in my face an walk out of the bathroom.

I get a text from theo:
Where are you?

Sorry I got lost where are you?

Still at the poker table

Win any money

Your my lucky charm! but yes.

Really?! how much?



But I lost $100




Then we are fine

Oh I see you!

I walk over to him.

"Hey." he says, he looks at me "You okay?"

"Hmm ya." He must of noticed my pale face

"Oh your face just looks pale."

"You have a flush!" The poker guy says

Theo grabs the chips he won "Yes!" He gives me a kiss "Told you babe you're my good luck charm!"

🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 (1 1/2 hour and $1000 later)

"Well we should get going back to the hotel to get ready for the flight." I say

"Yeah. Hey we lost $1000 but profited $1500."

"I guess I was your good luck charm." I give him a kiss on the lips.

"I love you." he says

"I love you."


We are currently waiting outside for Hayden.

"Where is he?" I yell "We are going to be late!"

"Chloe." he grabs my shoulders and turns me so I face him. "Shhhhh calm down!"


"What's the problem."

"This was supposed to be the perfect weekend. And we are going to miss our flight! And I'm pretty sure I'm going to ruin this weekend."

"How are you going to ruin this weekend?"

Crap! I start to hyperventilate. I need to come up with an excuse for the pregnancy.

"Um. I'm going to create even MORE drama that doesn't need to be here."

"No I started the first drama. And this drama does need to be here!"

Thank god he bought it!

I say "I'm just gonna call a cab."

I call the cab. He (the cab) is here in 5 minutes. Still no sign of Hayden.

"Well I guess we should go." Theo says as he squeezes my shoulder.


We put our luggage in the trunk and head to the airport.


"12 o'clock flight boarding to L.A. Now boarding."

"C'mon." Theo and I grab our luggage and head onto the flight.

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