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Zenia's POV

I was searching for my cellphone but, everywhere I looked, it wasn't in sight.

Where did I put it?

While I searched my suitcases, a knock came on the bedroom door.

"Come in," I gestured.

"Hey, what are you looking for?"

"My cellphone. I left it somewhere in here before I fell asleep."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure Anton. And what was all that with your father? Why did you just blurt out my pregnancy like that and claim the baby as your own? We never spoke about that, so why would you do that?"

I was somewhat angry that he did so without my knowing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to step out of line." He apologized.

"Well, you did, and I know you usually don't see eye-to-eye with your father, but you can't use me as a pawn to get on his nerves. The baby is EJ's, and not yours, so you shouldn't have said that to your father. What will he think of me when he finds out?" 

I stopped searching when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I sat down on the bed and racked my brain, trying to remember where I last had my phone.

"Can you call my phone? If it's somewhere in here, then I should hear it vibrating."

He pulled his out. I listened attentively to hear any vibrations from mine, but there were none.

"Maybe you left it somewhere else. Don't worry, we'll find it."

I ran my fingers through my hair and the sharp pain came again. The pains were like tremors. I felt them, but they didn't last very long. Something was wrong.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I snapped at him and laid flat on my back on the bed.

"Again, I'm sorry. I never meant to make you upset."

"It's cool. Let's just drop it."

"I'll go and try to locate your cellphone."

"Thanks Anton."

In the pit of my stomach, I sensed something was wrong, but I shook it off. I took a quick nap, and when I got up it was raining heavily outside. The rain hit against my windows and loud thunder rocked the sky.

I got out of bed and went to find Anton. I slowly and carefully walked upstairs to his bedroom, knocked and waited before entering. He wasn't in his bedroom, but his desktop computer lit up from the table. I pulled the chair out, sat and decided to send an email to my sister since I couldn't find my cellphone.

His computer requested a password.

"Hmmm, let's see. How about: London?"

Incorrect passcode.

"Anton McCalister?"

Incorrect passcode.

Zenia and Anton

Incorrect passcode.

"Damn it!" I semi shouted and my finger accidentally hit the '3' when I slapped the keyboard. The computer opened up instantly and I was startled.

Of course. It was asking for a pass code instead of a password, but why the hell would Anton's pass code be 3?

Not paying any mind, I shot Jasmine and Ashley an email from my Yahoo account. 

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