Red Belt Entry: 8

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As the platform lifted up into the arena, my life began to flash before my eyes...

I saw myself standing with all the girls at the reaping. Everyone was shaking with fear when Effie reached her hand into the great glass bowl. She pulled out a slip and unfolded it. She cleared her throat then announced, "Finch Crossley."

While everyone around me let out a sigh of relief, my jaw clenched. I began the long walk to the front. Once I made it up to the front, Effie pulled out the boy tributes name. My ears were ringing so much, I didn't hear who it was at first...

I saw myself waiting to say my final goodbyes to my dad. He burst in through the door and hugged me tightly around the neck, our tears merging on our cheeks. "I only have a minute," he whispered. "I know you can win, Finch. You're smart. You can learn anything." He pulled me back and looked into my eyes. "I'll see you soon."

I choked out a laugh. "You know I probably won't last. Compared to everyone else, I'm probably the youngest one."

"Don't think like that. Remember that Mom always told us to think positively? How it would help us succeed? You can do this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a plain ring that had five-minute stones on it. He placed it in my palm and closed my fingers around it. "It's for good luck," he whispered.

The door swung open and a man came in a grabbed my dad. "Time's up," he said gruffly. With silent tears running down his face, my dad was led out of the room...

Now I was training. I memorized all the types of plants I might encounter, I studied with a knife and kept to myself. When we had to show what we could in front of the game makers. I made a simple trap. It was my goal to set everyone's expectations low. And it worked. I scored a five...

The platform raised into the arena. I squinted and looked around, taking in the layout. It was open out here but it turned into woods several yards away.

5, 4, 3...

I saw the cornucopia then made my decision. In the first five minutes, more kids were killed battling for supplies. I wouldn't make that mistake. There was a siren of sorts and everyone ran. I turned completely around and ran as fast as I could to the line of trees. I looked back and saw another boy running into the trees. He must have had the same idea as me. I turned a little so I wouldn't run into him in the trees.

I didn't know where to go but I wanted to get far away from the bloodbath behind me. I changed my course a little and suddenly I ran smack into someone else. My heart dropped as I saw who it was. The girl from district 12 who scored a 12. She could kill me.

My fear was mirrored on her face and she turned and ran in the opposite direction

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My fear was mirrored on her face and she turned and ran in the opposite direction. I didn't want to run into her again so dashed in the other way.

I knew I was going to need food and water. As I wandered throughout that first day, my tongue grew dry and my stomach hollow. I had to think of something. Maybe this arena doesn't have easily accessible water. The Game Makers might do that. Maybe I needed to dig somewhere:

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