Green Belt Entry: 4

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"Mike, you know what I decided?"

I looked up from my essay in annoyance.

Mike sat in the office chair and spun around before answering. "I decided I want to be a cop."

"Great for you man but I really don't care." I began writing my paper again. "I want to be a psychologist and I can't do that if I don't finish this essay."

Mike swung his feet onto my desk, heels hitting the paper I was laboring over. "Mike!" 

"Help me be a cop," he said.

"No. And get your clown shoes off my work." I shoved them off. Mike leapt to his feet. "Fine. I'm taking your car and going to the police station."

"No, you can't take my car, thanks for asking."

"Kyle, don't you want me to get a job?" Mike said, a sad puppy look filling his eyes. I took the challenge and looked straight into them. "No." I returned to writing my paper.

"Gaaah! You're such a goody goody. Oh, I want a job! Oh, I want a hot girl to look at me because I'm rich."

"You're terrible at making fun of me."

Mike was silent. Figuring he had finally given up, I didn't look up from my numerous pages of research. My ears barely registered the jangle of keys and the slam of the front door. My ears did, however, pick up the sound of my old Ford pickup's engine starting. I jumped to my feet in alarm. 

"Mike!" I dashed to the front door and threw it open. I saw my pickup rolling out of my driveway, onto the busy road. Mike waved to me from the driver's window.

"Mike! You can't drive a stick!" He gave me a thumbs up and kept driving. He didn't get far before he stalled down the road.


"I have no idea why I'm doing this."

"Because you're a great friend." 

I pulled open the door to the police station and Mike walked in. I followed with a sigh.

Mike was already at the desk. "Hi, I wanted to know the fastest and easiest way to become a cop."

The woman at the desk simply pulled out a pamphlet and dropped it in front Mike. "I'm sure Detective Richardson would help you with your questions."


"Yes. He'll be here in a few minutes. Just wait over there."

Mike clicked his tongue and sat in the chairs. I sat next to him in amusement. "Bet you five bucks you get arrested while we're here," I said. 

Mike snorted. We waited for a few minutes. Suddenly the door swung open and several cops walked in.

"No, it's case closed," argued a tall cop. "There's nothing else to investigate."

"But, but-" stuttered a young cop.

"No more."

The crowd of cops walked away, leaving the young one standing behind. He through his hands up and sighed.

"Detective Richardson, these young men are here to see you," the lady at the desk said. Detective Richardson  spun around to see us. Mike gave a little wave. We stood up and approached the cop.

"Ah, yes, you want to be cops," he said with a sigh.

"Not me, only him," I clarified.

Mike smiled. "Yep."

I could tell the detective was about to disagree with this whole thing but he seemed to suddenly get an idea. "I'll help you," he said quietly, "If you help me."

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