Brown Belt Entry: 7

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Hank knocked on the shoulder of my bulletproof vest. "You ready, Ammon?"

I punched my chest. "More ready than you," I said, laughing.

He nodded. "Good. I hear this one's gonna be a tough one. Profilers have been trying to crack this case for 48 hours straight. In that time, the guy's kidnapped and killed 3 people. There's always random strands of hair on the victims too. Probably from the kidnapper."

"But they've figured out who it was?"

Hank held up a hand. "Kind of. They're still trying to find where he'll be and keeping his victims."

Hank, the other agents and I stepped out of the locker rooms. We meandered into the bullpen with all the profilers and local cops.

SSA Eiler strode out of the interrogation room, waving a piece of paper above his head.

"Frank Winslow has a farm that's under his grandpa's name. That's where he'll be keeping Stephanie Cooper."

I leaned over to Hank. "Stephanie Cooper?"

"The latest victim," he said, lips barely moving. "He's had her for five hours. They figure she's still alive."

I nodded and returned my attention to the profiler.

"Please, be careful with Winslow. He's already escaped law enforcement twice already but he will not get away this time. Here's a picture of him.

"He has a God complex, meaning he thinks he cannot fail. He believes also it is his job to decide who lives and who dies. All of you have been trained in interrogation. Use these skills to lure Winslow in. Thank you."

Ten minutes later, we were down a dirt road in the black SUVs. I was in the passenger seat of one with Hank driving.

"Hank, do you ever worry this will be your last case?" I asked in the quiet.

He breathed out hard. "Yeah, every time. Especially now. Kiera just had our first boy. I'm looking forward to watching him grow up. If I die, he'll never know me. What about you?"

"I am always worried. I prerecord a message every time we leave on a case. Just so my wife and kids have something if I die."

Hank glanced my way and then looked back at the dark road. "That's a good idea." He pulled his phone from his pocket. The screen lit up at his fingerprint. "Make a voice memo and hit record for me, would you?"

I took the phone and pushed the red record button. I nodded to Hank. He took a deep breath. "Hey, Kiera, Lily, Mylie, Johanna. And hey Teancum, my little man! Just want you to all know that you're the light of my world. I don't know what I'd without you. Always remember I love you."

He nodded at me to turn it off. I handed the phone back to him and he pocketed with a quiet, "Thank you."

We were silent the rest of the way.

Hank turned the lights off once we reached the long driveway. The of SUVs and police cars inched its way up to the old farmhouse. Hank cut the engine and climbed out. I followed suit and quietly closed my door.

I pulled my handgun from its holster and flipped the flashlight on it.

The FBI white lettering on everyone's vests glowed in the night. We carefully walked up to the porch. Hank signaled for me to go around back. I followed the house to the backyard. The whole house was dark but when I got to the back, light from the open barn door spilled out.

I pressed my radio. "There's a barn out back." I saw a dark figure move across the doorway of the barn. I crouched quickly and relayed, "There's someone in there."

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