Ayumi X Yoshiki

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Hi, My name is Ayumi Shinozaki and I go to Kirisagi Academy with a few of my friends, I used to have a bunch, that is before the.... incident happened. I dont like to remember what happened at all, it was horrible. eveything about it. Sometimes I still cant believe what happened, how many people I lost, then again how many people I was able to come back with. It still kind of hurts, I can still see those images, they give me nightmares but im slowly getting over that. but the friends I do have are; Satoshi Mochida, Naomi Nakashima, and Yoshiki Kishinuma.

I love them a lot since there the only friends I have left, and I dont intend on loosing them.

                           ----Ayumi POV----

        The loud sound of the bell echoed threw the halls, class rooms and finally escaped outside to my ears.

I glanced at our school then looked back to Naomi and smiled.

"We have gym right?" I asked trying to think. The brunette nodded.

"Yep! but I have to stop by my locker ill see you in the locker room, Kay?" Naomi asked with a smile I nodded a bit and watched the girl run off. I headed back into the school and down the hall looking threw a few papers I ran right into somebody. little did I know that sombody was Yoshiki. I sighed and got up as I noticed it was him and picked up the papers I had dropped, he helped me then handed me a few papers. I slowly took them

"Thank you..." I said to him looking up at him, He nodded

"Welcome" he said as he walked away. I watched and squinted then stuck out my tongue 'He tried to act so cool' I thought to myself and sighed 'I dont have time for idiots like him' I thought as I continued on my way to Gym.

         I walked out of the Locker rooms done with Gym finally, I sighed. Gym seemed to be the longest class, I wasnt fond of running as much as we had to. As I walked down the hall once again I found my way to my locker and got ready for my last class. I Soon walked to class and pushed my hair out of my face. I soon got there and sat down at my usual desk which was Behind Yoshiki. I set my head in my hand and Soon the students gathered into the room. The teacher began talking as the bell rang. I started to think about how things had went since the incident I couldnt help but sigh to myself softly. I was kind of glad Yuka had survived and another small child hadnt had to go threw the same pain as the others. I kind of wanted to start crying. Just telling my dead friend's parents about there child's death was horrible. Remembering Mayu's mom's expression still brings pain to my heart. I could feel tears comming to my eyes. the teacher soon noticed and walked over tapping my shoulder, I slowly looked up

"This is the 3rd time this week Ayumi, are you sure your okay? would you like to go see the nurse or guidance counselor?" The new Sensi had asked softly

I thought for a moment before tears started to pour down my face. I slowly got up and gathered my stuff nodding. I hurried out of the class room, tears pouring down my face. I felt a tight grip on my shoulder, glancing back to see Yoshiki brought more tears to my eyes.

                         ----Yoshiki POV----

      I suddenly awoke and lifted my head from my desk whipping drool off my mouth. looking around I noticed Ayumi didnt tap my back waking me up this time. I glanced back to see she wasnt there. she was there when the bell rung, right? I sigh getting up deciding to look for her. Slipping out of the classroom quickly I walked down the hall to see her running. I started chasing after her and saw her tears. my eyes slowly widened. I was totally confused on why she was crying but didnt hesitate to comfort her. I took her hand and pulled her into the arms making her drop her stuff and a few papers were sent flying. I felt my face heat up a bit, my cheeks especially. 

"Why are you crying?" I asked waiting for her reply

"Im not, now let go you weirdo..." she mumbled before trying to push herself out of my grip.

"No im not gonna, your crying stop lying"

"isnt it obvious when someone says there not they just want to be left alone?"

"Makes sense but im not leaving you alone, I care to much about you" I say making thinks silent, she staied quietly not speaking, I could feel her heart beat, it seemed to beat that hard.

"Calm down...." I said softly before slowly pulling away kneeling down and whipped the wet, warm tears from her face"Now who do I have to punch for making you cry?" I asked Chuckling seeing her laugh a bit

"No one..." she answered softly

"Then I want to know why you made yourself cry..."

"I was just thinking to much..."

"about what?"

"What happened..."

"Oi....C'mon..." I say gently placing my hand on her head not knowing what else to say or do really "Calm down okay? Its fine you just need to forget.." I say knowing that probably wasnt the right thing to say

"H-how can I forget!?" she asked quite loudly, I put my hands up defending myself

"Hey, Hey calm down sorry.... You know I cant stop thinking about it some times, and I know its hard to get over.... I mean I cant think of what I would of done if you died...." I say it having it just slip out. noticing that I blush softly and look at her seeing her cheeks a pretty dark red

"Ah, um sorry.... we should go back to class..." I say turning to walk away

"Since When do You want to go back to class in the middle of a school day?" she asks grabing my shirt collar and pulling me back about choaking me. I glanced back at her and sighed.

"Shut up.." I mumble

"H-hey dont te-" She got cut off because before me or her even knew it I had surprisingly pressed my lips against hers gently, after awhile I slowly pulled away and looked at her. Her face was a bright way she hit me on the head

"B-Baka! Baka! Baka!" she says whiping her lips "That was my first kiss and I can't believe a idiot like you ruinied it!" She yelled before storming off. I watched her, I kind of felt like my heart was breaking Into million pieces, 'Hm so thats what she thinks of me... nice to know' I thought to myself before walking away myself.

                           To be Continued...

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