Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


I just wandered around the hellicarrier after my argument with Eyepatch. Making sure to avoid anyone so I wouldn't be tempted to take out my remaining anger on them, sometimes it's really hard not to burn people alive. I wonder if anyone else has this problem? Not likely.

After nearly half an hour of wandering around aimlessly I somehow found myself in front of the lab that Bruce and Tony were working in. I wandered inside, going unnoticed by the two men, and sat down off to the side so I wouldn't be in their way. I found my eyes wandering over to where Loki's scepter sat on one of the tables. It looked strange, but I guess that was how most things from space looked to the human eye. I could only imagine what Neil Armstrong would have thought if he saw in on the moon.

"You should really come and visit Stark Tower some time. The top ten floors are all R&D, it's like a candy land." Tony's voice caught my attention after a while making me look over to where he and Bruce were working, attempting to use the scepter to trace the tesseract. 

"Thanks, but the last time I was in New York I kind of... broke Harlem." Bruce awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck at the memory. I remembered that, there had been a video of it in the files that I watched in the car with Phil. It had been one of the first times Bruce had hulked out which had led to a fight between him and the U.S. Army. It admittedly made me happy to know that Bruce had won that fight.

"Well I promise a stress free environment. No tension, and no surprises." As soon as the words left Tony's mouth Bruce jumped, a small cry of pain escaping him. I had to crane my neck to see the small pronged electric device in Tony's hand. Leave it to Tony to electrocute the person on the ship that's seen as the biggest threat. Eyepatch gets on my ass for talking to Loki yet he allows Tony to do this?

"Nothing?" Tony looked right into Bruce's eyes and examined his skin, clearly looking for any green pigment. Even I was impressed by the doctor's clear control over himself.

"Are you nuts!?" Steve yelled at Tony as he stormed into the lab. I couldn't help but silently laugh at his words. I didn't think there was a single person aboard this ship that wasn't even the slightest bit insane, not even good old Steve himself.

"You've really got a lid on it, haven't you? What's your secret?" Tony completely ignored Steve which only seemed to make the blonde's face turn red with annoyance. "Mello jazz? Bongo drums? A huge bag of weed?" I laughed at the last one, but still, no one paid any attention to me. If I weren't used to it I'd be hurt by their blindness to my presence.

"Is everything a joke to you?!" He wasn't facing me but I could just imagine the glare Steve was giving Tony. I saw it as one similar to the one Eyepatch had given me just a short while ago.

"Funny things are." Tony shrugged. This is why I've never been a fan of him and never will be, his blind ignorance.

"Endangering the lives on everyone aboard this ship isn't funny. No offense doctor." Steve added, almost as an afterthought. I wonder how bad he'd be if he knew what I could do and Bruce and I had switched places. I knew for a fact that Bruce had better control than I did, I think I've proven that multiple times since boarding the ship. Maybe I should work on that?

"No it's alright. I wouldn't have come aboard if I didn't think I could handle pointy things." Bruce waved off Steve's words but I knew they bugged him. Hell, they weren't even directed at me and they bugged me.

"You need to quit tiptoeing big man!" Tony patted him on the back. "You need to strut!"

For once I agreed with Tony.

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