Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


It was eight o'clock that night when my shift finally ended and I ventured out into the warm spring air. It felt nice in the jeans and tee shirt that I wore with my favorite pair of black boots. My blonde hair was cut into a short pixie style so the breeze gave my neck a slight chill that I did my best to ignore. With my hands in my pockets I started to walk in the direction of the apartment I was currently staying in, but before I could get three feet down the street a black car pulled up next to me. I paused, watching as the tinted window rolled down to reveal Phil sitting in the driver's seat.

"Need a ride?" He grinned at me. With a roll of my eyes, I climbed into the passenger's seat of the car. I barely had enough time to buckle myself up before Phil pulled away from the curb, speeding down the somewhat busy Marion streets.

"Nice car." I commented as I watched him drive past my apartment complex. A frown pulled at the corners of my lips at the realization that I wouldn't even be able to pack a bag before he dragged me off to who knows where.

"Wait until you see where you'll be staying." He shook his head with quiet laughter. I didn't bother to question the comment, instead choosing to focus my attention of the passing scenery.

"Since you took the file before I could finish, who all will I be working with?" I asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the car. While I was by no means a people person, if I was going to be trapped in the car with him for a while I might as well talk to him.

"You'll be part of the Avengers." He started to explain to me. I remembered reading the term 'Avengers' from the file, though I hadn't been able to read too much about it. "Other than yourself, it consists of Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and two of our agents, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton."

"So a cocky billionaire is on the team?" I scoffed at the mention of Tony Stark. From what I'd heard about the man, he was an ass that most people couldn't stand to be around. I knew it was safe to say that I'd have a bit of fun messing with him.

"He isn't as bad as you think." Phil tried to tell me, but he didn't sound as though he believed his own words. After that he just continued to drive in silence while I watched the passing scenery once more. This was going to be a long drive.


"Veronica?" Someone whispered my name as they nudged my shoulder. My eyes snapped open on instinct and I saw Phil's face only inches from my own, his hand on my shoulder. As soon as he saw I was awake he pulled his hand away and offered a small smile. It was then that I noticed that we were no longer in the car, instead we were in some sort of plane.

"Where are we?" I asked as I sat upright, trying to get a better sense of my surroundings.

"We're about to land on the hellicarrier. You looked pretty tired earlier and I didn't want to wake you, so I had someone carry you on here from the car." He informed me as I got up from my seat and walked towards the front of the plane, where the pilot was. I didn't fail to notice the way that the pilot visibly tensed when I got close to him, but I shrugged it off, it wasn't the first time someone had done so around me. Out of the front of the plane I saw a large metal ship in the water. As we got closer I could see people walking around onboard and other planes, or jets, settled aboard.

"Welcome to SHIELD." Phil smiled as we landed and plane's ramp opened. I paused, glancing at him before walking off the plane to join him on the ship.

"Don't call me Veronica while I'm here." I looked Phil in the eyes to try and show him how serious I was. "I don't want anyone calling me that, my name's Nichole."

"Okay." He agreed without arguing. I glanced around the ship, seeing a bunch of people with similar uniforms walking around, from the sun up in the sky it looked like it wasn't more than seven in the morning. Even with it being so early in the morning everyone looked so serious, it was different then anything else I'd ever seen. 

"I'll take you to your room, but then I'll have to leave to get someone else. Okay?" Phil asked as he led me inside the ship. I only nodded as I followed him through the various hallways until we stood outside a plain door. I turned the knob and pushed the door open to reveal the room behind it. The room itself was small and only consisted of a desk, a bed, a wardrobe, and another door that most likely led to a private bathroom. The wardrobe doors were open, showing the clothes that were already hanging inside of it, all of which looked to be my size.

"I'll be back in a few hours." Phil promised before disappearing out the door again, leaving me alone. I sat down on the small twin sized bed and just looked around at the blank white walls surrounding me.

Taking a deep breath I pushed myself back up to my feet and walked over to the wardrobe to find something clean to change into. I found a nice pair of blue jeans, but it seemed a little too warm for jeans. I searched the room until I found a knife in one of the desk drawers, along with a gun. Using the knife, I easily cut the jeans into shorts and then grabbed a copper colored sweater that was a size too big. I also grabbed a pair of underwear, socks, and a bra before going into the adjoined bathroom to shower. Deciding to let the warm water wash away my stress.

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