Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


The room shook with the explosion and without any warning I found myself falling through the floor. I lands on the floor below, on top a heap of rubble. I winced as pain radiated through my body while the dust started to clear from the poorly lot area I'd fallen in. Looking around I saw that I wasn't the only one who'd fallen. A few feet away I spotted Bruce and Natasha. Bruce was holding his head in his hands with his face scrunched up in obvious pain.

The Hulk.

My eyes widened at the realization and I pushed myself up to my feet. Looking at Natasha again I saw that she'd noticed hit trouble too and was frantically trying to free her foot from the rubble. I carefully made my way over to her and tried to help. The pieces of rubble were too heavy though so I stood back and with the flick of my wrist the rubble flew off of her and across the room.

"Bruce you need to calm down." Natasha tried to reason with him. I looked at him and I could see the green tint starting to take over his skin, his clothes starting to rip at the seams as he started to grow in size. "I'll get you out of this but you need to calm down. I swear on my life."

"YOUR LIFE?!" Her words just seemed to set him off as his head snapped up and he looked directly at us. I could see the green in his eyes as the same color took over his skin and his size seemed to double, if not triple.

He was the Hulk.

"Get out of here." Natasha ordered me as she got to her feet too and pulled out her gun.

"I think I'll pass on that." I disagreed but it was lost in the Hulk's loud yelling. I watched as Natasha did the dumbest thing she could probably do in this situation, she shot at the Hulk.

"Now you've done it." I muttered as the Hulk started to charge at us. I watched as he charged and came closer and closer, but I didn't move a muscle.

"Nichole!" I heard Natasha scream at me. She was no doubt thinking I was insane for not running from the Hulk, correction, Bruce. He was less than ten feet from me when I flicked my wrist from the left to the right. With the movement some of the rubble from the explosion flew from the ground and hit Bruce right in the face full force. I couldn't help but wince, knowing he'd probably be sore when he came out of this.

"Bruce! You need to calm down, no one's going to hurt you!" I was tempted to promise him but after seeing how he took to Natasha's promise I thought better of it. He seemed to not take notice that I'd even spoken to him but instead went running to the right, right at Natasha.

Hurrying after them I kept throwing random things at Bruce in hopes to get him to take his attention off of Natasha. Hell, I'd be happy if he turned his anger onto me. I would be able to handle him whereas I knew Natasha couldn't. The objects smacking into him didn't seem to do anything to him though, he kept his focus locked on Natasha.

"Think." I muttered to myself. That was when I heard something speed right past my head, nearly hitting me. I followed the path of the speeding object and watched as it collided with Bruce. As soon as it'd hit him the object when flying back behind me. I turned to see none other than Thor behind me, hammer now in hand.

"Nice hit." I compliment him as Bruce turns his attention onto us with a look of pure rage in his green eyes. This isn't going to be pretty.

"Go to Lady Romanoff, I will handle this." Thor instructs me before he jumps into a fight with Bruce. Without hesitation I run off in the direction that Natasha went.

"Natasha?!" I call as I run up a staircase. I can still hear Thor and Bruce crashing into things below as they fought with each other. It was different though. It sounded as though they were getting closer to me.

That's when a roar rips through somewhere below me.

It's also when I feel the steps I'm on starting to collapse from beneath my feet.

I couldn't help but naturally scream as I found myself falling down with the metal staircase, falling at least twenty feet before I hit the ground. Pain seemed to engulf my body, my mind growing hazy as I looked down to find myself laying on top of a pile of twisted metal, the remains of the staircase. One of the twisted pieces was sticking up, tearing right through my left leg, sending a burning pain throughout it. As I took in the sight of my own blood black spots started to cloud my vision until they were all I could see. 

The last thing I hear is the yelling of Thor and Bruce as they continue to fight somewhere.

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