Chapter 3

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A few minutes before 1st period was due to start, I shuffled into my history class.
I could feel my skin prickling and my hands sweating as my anxiety kicked in. My anxiety always grew in this class.
I pull my hood farther over my face as I quickly make my way to my seat.
I place my back pack under the table/desk and sit down in my seat. The metal squeaking at the new weight.
Not that I weighted much. Most I probably weighted was 102 lbs.
I watch as other students greet each other warmly. No one comes to greet me and no one comes to sit next to me.
I draw the conclusion that maybe I'm too weird for them.
I'm not sure whether I am or not...
I pull myself into my own world, zoning out as I draw out a piece of paper and lay it on my desk.
I grab a pencil from the side pocket of my backpack and begin to draw swiggles and random patterns on the scrap paper.

After about 5 minutes into class the door swings open and I jerk my head up.
There was a very attractive boy, standing in front of the class. He seemed overconfident and I snort.
'Great. Another bastardous jerk.'

I'd never seen this guy before. Huh. I look around and watch as Hailey tugs her shirt down, showing more of her already, almost falling out, cleavage. She flips her hair and bites her bottom lip, making them swollen and red.
A sexy look. Rolling my eyes I sigh. Once Hailey had her eyes set  on someone, they didn't stand a chance.
I watched him walk to the teacher, his jeans hugging his ass nicely.
His hand reaches into his leather jackets pocket and he pulls out a crumpled paper. Mrs. Welsh  reads the note and nods.
"Okay, Mr. Lakefield. Go find an unassigned seat. Please, make sure not to interrupt so rudly, during class again." With that said, Mrs. Welsh turns back to the board.
I watch the new guy as he looks for a opened seat. I notice his eyes linger on Hailey, and as he smirks at her unsaid offer.
I look to Hailey and her lips lift in a flirtatious smile. I shake my head and draw my hood farther over my face as I look down at my office drawings on the scrap paper.
I cleary throat and wipe my suddenly sweaty hands on my jeans.
I stiffens as the legs of the seat next to me, scratches against the tiles. I peek from under my hood slightly and see the boy, seating himself next to me.
His head turns towards me and I quickly turn to my drawings.
My anxiety kicks in as he scoots slightly closer towards my seat. Butterflies rip through my stomach and the palms of my hands heat up, beginning to sweat. My heart beats faster and my hands shakes as I reach for me pencil.
I began to draw more random patterns, pretending he wasn't there. On the outside I probably looked controlled... on the inside I was melting and shivering.
'What would his lips feel like...?' My thoughts begin to wander as I draw patterns on the paper.

I jump slightly as Mrs. Welsh suddenly speaks out, breaking me from the odd thoughts running through my head.

"Okay class! I'm assigning assignments. A project really." I blink confused.
She rarely assigned projects...
I watch her pace and scowl as the rest of the class groans at the word 'project'. My lips lift in a involuntary smirk.
I loved doing projects. The idea of learning something new always sounded alluring to me.
Mrs. Welsh shook her head and rolled her eyes. For a 52 year of woman, she sure acted like a teenager.
"Surprise. You'll be working with your table partner." My back stiffens in response to her last few words and I gulp.

'I already felt like a mess and it's only been a few minutes! What about a week?!'

"I will hand out papers, where you will put your name and table numbers. I have each assignment written at the top and expect the project to have a show added to it. For example, say you get electric charge. You could make a damned patato clock. I don't care what the show is. I mainly care for the worded presentation. Once you have your papers, get to work." Mrs. Welsh picks up a thick stack of papers and begins to hand out a packet to each table.
My anxiety spiked even higher as my breath catches in my throat. I felt like I couldn't breathe so I pull my hood down further over my face, lecturing myself to calm down.
I take one of my hands and, under the table, I push my hand into my left sleeve and begin to trace the scars and cuts. My breathing evens out as I close my eyes in relief.
Someone taps my shoulder and I jump, letting out a slight squeak. I jerk my head to the person and my hood falls back slightly.
I quickly reach up and draw it back down with shaking hands. I mess with my sleeves, pulling them over my hands.
It was the new guy, who by the way, was currently smirking at me.
He was staring, too. I gulp and narrow my eyes. Even though he couldn't see my eyes.
'What the hell is he staring for?'
"Hey, Blue Angel." As his voice snakes into my mind I stiffen.
I gulp as I realize I've heard his voice before. And his motorcycle.
This mornings scene runs through my head and I close my eyes, groaning inwardly.
"Im Brooks."
'Wait-- Blue Angel? What the hell? Who does this guy think he is??'
I frown at him, but don't meet his gaze. I never meet anyones gaze.
"Aww what's wrong?" I watch his hand reach out and I gulp.
"Why are you frowning, baby?" His hand reaches under my hood and cups my cut and cruised cheek. His finger brushing against the new cuts framing my temple.
I stiffen and scoot my chair away. I pull the hood over my face I get angry and pissed at the pet name.
"Ooh, you don't speak?" He asks, obiousky trying to get a reaction from me.
"Hellooooo" he draws out as he taps my shoulder again. I growl and look at him.
"What the hell do you want?" My irritation slipped into my tone. "And my name's not 'Blue Angel', Brooks!"
He looks at me, his eyebrows lifted in surprise and his eyes sparkling with amusement.
He leans back in his chair, his lips lifting in a smirk.
I stare at his lips and gulp.
"Calm down... I just want you to talk to me. What else am I supposed to call you? I don't know your fucking name." Brooks replies as he smiles as if innocent. I roll my eyes and turn my head towards the window.
I look down at my drawings and scowl.
"Clary." Is all I say as I begin to draw again. My irritation begins to calm down after a few minutes of silence and drawing.
But as he scoots closer and his leg presses against mine, my heart begins to race and my palms begin to sweat.
My pencil slips and begins rolling  towards the edge of the table and I reach out grabbing it. The table scratches against the floor at my sudden movements and my charger squeaks dissaprovingly.
"So... Clary... Why do you have that hood up all the time?" His hand reaches up and his forefinger flicks my hood slightly. I tense up and pull it lower over my face.
"Shouldn't you take it off? Won't you get in trouble?" Brook asks and I snort.
"No. I won't. And because." I roll my eyes again and sink lower into my seat.
'What does this guy want?'
"Why do you have to ask so many questions?" My irritation bubbles up and once more, slips into my question. I turn my head towards him, dagging my hood farther over my face.
"I just wanna know who you are, Clary." He replies and damn my body if my heart just happened to beat faster after his reply.

Instead of meeting at his words I scowl. "Well, Brooks, that's none of your business."
He mumbled something. He speaks up louder a few seconds later.
"When you're talking to me, look at me, okay?" It irked and bugged me how he demands so much from me.
"Don't tell me what to do, okay?"
I mock him and smirk as I turn my head back to my paper.
Mrs. Welsh scowls at me as she sets Brooks and I's packet project down on out table. As she walks past I shrug and grab the packet looking at the assignment.
I hear someone chuckle and I look to Brooks, confused.
"What?" I ask, irritated for no reason. I sigh when he only shakes his head and shrugs.
Besides that... He didn't really bug me the rest of the period, but     his constant glances at Hailey, oddly annoy me and jealousy spreads through my chest.
I decide to close off into my world as I begin to come up with our project.
As soon as the bell rings I grab my backpack and slip the packet in. I sling it over my shoulder and stand up. The chair squeaks and I walk out of the classroom, leaving Brook to his Hailey fantasies.
But someone's footsteps fall besides mine. I turn my head and see Brooks.  
"What class are you heading to?" His curiosity getting the better of him.
I smile lightly and turn my attention to the floor, pulling my hood over my blushing, bruised cheeks.
"Science." I reply as I walk down the corridor.
"Hmm....." He hums in interest and I look up.
I tilt my head, my eyebrows scrunching in confusion.
"That's interesting, because I have science too... Mr.Blash? Right?" He turns his gaze and attention to me, and awawly from the other girls who stare at him as he walks past.
I smile slightly and nod. He sounds happy about having the next class together again.
"Y-yeah. Mr. Blash." I reply since my hood probably covered my hood.
I shake my head, reminding myself that he doesn't really care.
"Cool. Let's go." My reply comes out monotonous and clipped. I draw my hood farther over my face and look back down at the ground.
As we walk into Mr. Blash's class, my anxiety drops.
Mr. Blash is the closest thing to a father figure I have. I look up and see Mr. Blash smiling warmly to me as he walks towards us.
He hugs me and I sigh.
"How are things at home, Clary? Di--" He cuts off his question, probably noticing that Brooks has stopped besides me.
Mr. Blash knows about the abuse I go through, the self-harm. He's the only one who has seen the color of my eyes.
I tilt my hood back slightly as I look up at him. I see him grimace as he sees the cuts on my temples and my cheek.
Mr. Blash pulls down my hood for me and steps back. Luckily, Mr. Blash had blocked Brooks view of my tortured face.
I look at the ground.
"It's okay, Clary..." I nod as a reply for Mr. Blash. I knew he wished he could help me, call the police or something, but my father was rich and always got his way. Plus, Mr. Blash had no proof.
I know, I could show my face, but the police would most likely think I'm a delusional, clumsy teenage girl. So I told Mr. Blash, no.
I walk past him and towards my desk in the back. I put my backpack under my seat and watch as Brooks, once again, sits besides me.
I always had free seats around me and it feels weird to have someone sitting next to me.
The rest of the day passed, uneventful and I realize that Brooks is already part of my life.
I have no idea how I had survived without him for so long.
He made my body feel weird. My stomach turned to jelly, my heart raced and my anxiety just wooshes out of me.
I liked how Brook always sat next to me, in every class.
He even made me laugh in 6th period.
Now that he was here for me... I never want to let go of him.

Hey everyone!
Just wanted to thank my cuz! Who I know is reading this! And my close friend (who is mostly like my sister.)
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
It was longer and I hope to edit the other chapters, make them longer.
My friend is the one who mainly wrote my chapter!
Lily! Can you comment and introduce yourself?!
Anyway me and Lily decided to keep this story as a short story! So it will maybe be 15-25 chapters!
Plus, I hope you guys like the characters.
What do you think? Would they make a cute couple?
Will Brooks ever find out of her  current lifestyle?
Read to find out!
Make sure to follow, vote and comment!
Love you Readers!
*Bows and blows kisses*
Till next time! Bye!!
(2245 words)

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