Chapter 7

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"It's never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you are proud of, & if you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start over..!"

I left the college leaving my mobile phone inside the class room....!!

I was never a phone person. I never use it unless I need to call or message someone urgetly. Neither I used any of social media's. So even after reaching Amal's home I didn't bother to check it.

Being with the person you love the most is the best feeling in the world. I enjoyed to the fullest today. I felt alive. I felt like a kid who has been gifted a candy. You stay healthy mentally & physically when you are surrounded by positive people.

Later in the evening, Ammu some how convinced me to call my mom. I know I missed her, but something always stopped me from talking to her. May be my grief.

"Come on Aloo, call your mamma. You know what, she calls me almost everyday to know about your whereabouts. She is so sad yaar". She said pouting.

"None of your antics are going to work darling. I' m not going to call her. Mujhe unse koi baat nahi karni!" I said turning my face from her.

"You have punished her as much as you can. Stop it now. Call her. Give me your mobile, let me dial.." she grabed my backpack to take out my cell phone. "Aloo where is your mobile yaar? I can't find it. Did you put it for charging?" She asked emptying my bag.

I could feel my heart pumping out! It was beating so fast! So hard..! Where the freak my phone was? I wondered. I jumped out of the bed to see if I had put it for charging. But it was not there too.

I tried calling from Ammu's mobile too. But there was no responce. I couldn't hear the phone ringing...!! Ammu came out running and asked, "Did you forget it in the college?"

I thought very hard. But I can't even remember keeping it somewhere in the classroom. "Oye, what are you thinking? Just please say nooo!!" She said scanning my facial expression.

"I think so yaar. I think I forgot to take it along with me. What will I do now?"
I asked her worrying. "Nothing is gonna happen. It's just a mobile. Don't worry we will get it in the morning". She said patting my back.

It was right then something popped in my head. "Oh my god! What will I do if Azeem call's me? I am so dead Ammu. I am so scared. He calls me everyday. He might call me even today. What I am going to tell him tomorrow? Why do you always do this with me god? Where did I go wrong?"

I cried hard cursing my fate. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. They say, everything is in god's hand. He has the ultimate authority. God will never let you down. But everytime why am I only the victim. Why is he so cruel towards me? Why is god punishing me everytime?

If Azeem comes to know that I am staying at Ammu's home, I can't even imagine what he is going to do with me. He will never forgive me. Oh god save me!

Whole night I couldn't sleep. I just kept tossing and turning till I saw the first light of the day. I was scared, worried..! What if he had called me? How am I even going to explain anything to him?

We went to college and the first thing I did was to go and find my phone. And after a lot of finding, I finally found it the library. I remembered keeping it there while I was searching for a book yesterday.

It showed 38 missed calls from Azeem. I didn't dare to call him back. Today I am a dead meat. Oh god how can I be so careless? You deserve this Alia! Someone said this from inside my head.

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