Chapter 4

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"It's not the mistake that matters. It's how you deal with it, what you learn from it & how you apply that lesson to your life ".
- Unknown

Have you ever wished that you had more self confidence or higher self esteem? I wish i had..! I wish i could scream to him from the top of my voice. I wish i could say that you don't deserve any women in your life. But no..., neither i had any courage nor confidence to say this to his face.

I was burried in my own thoughts and i only slept when i saw the first ray of the sun. "Good morning..!" I jolted awake when i heard him whisper into my ears. "Hey, i just wished you a good morning. See i am trying to be a good husband. Isn't it romantic..?". He asked me with a dirty smirk on his face. "Ok, so get up soon and make something for me. It's your first time in the kitchen, and don't mess it up. Prepare something good". He ordered & left.

I got dressed quickly. I went near the mirror to take at myself and i saw the marks on my cheeks. Poor Alia.., what did you do to deserve this..? I thought vaguely. I went to the kitchen and saw my DEAR mother in law glaring at me as if i had murdered her son. In your dreams baby..! I smiled at my own foolish thought.

"Is this the time to wake up..? Fine, just wake up early from tomorrow onwards.Now go and prepare something for everyone". Saying this she went back to her chores.

I made aloo puri as the breakfast. I knew how to cook. I am not the best cook in the world. But i am not one of those girls who say i never stepped inside a kitchen..!!! I think cooking is an art. It is a way to spread your love to your loved once.

Ugh.., so my aloo puri was ready. I really wish it was good. My MIL & my so called husband ate the breakfast. They were talking some nonsense with each other and here i was waiting for some appreciation.

"Alia, next time you prepare aloo, add some more salt & this is so spicy. Right Azeem?". And defnitly he nodded his head like a puppet. "Alia, i think you should learn something from mom. She is the best cook in the world. Ok so i am going to the office. Bye. See you later".

He left dissapointing me. And why did i even expect him to be nice with me. Such a fool i am. Did you just forget what he did to you last night?
My conscience was questioning me for which i had no answer!

Ping..! I had an email from Amal. Sometimes we used to mail each other rather than texting through other social medias.

From: Amal Fatima
To: Alia.Marwah
Subject: I am missing you

Hey aloo..,
      Do you have any idea that what i am going through..? I miss you yaar. I miss you so much. I know..., i know that you must be wondering that i used to tease you saying that i will never miss you. But i feel terrible without you. You are my best friend for life. Uffo..i didn't even ask how is you..! Such a badass i am😉. Acha..saari batein batana mujhe and don't make me wait...!!
I'm waiting...!!!😘

I replied her instantly,
Hey ammu,
      I miss you too. I'm super fine dear. And everything is cool. I'm really happy. And yeah, i told you that you are gonna miss me so much. But you just didn't listen. Well you never listen to me. I really wish if we could be together, watching horror films and talking whole night..!! I wish if i could scare you from behind! God, you just get scared so easily..!!😂

I couldn't share my miseries with her. Why should i upset her. I really don't want anyone to know.

Ammu responded:

You are definitely lying bimbo. I know that you are not happy. And i understand that you are in no mood to talk about that nonsense. But that's fine. I will not pester you. But you will have have to say everything in detail very soon. You just cannot test my patience ok..?

I scoffed & wrote back:

Oh, when did you become so understanding? I never knew this..! Haha, anyways thankyou for giving me time. I will tell you everything soon honey..!😊 And btw, you know right how much i love you..?

Ammu's reply was instant:
Yeah, i know you love me more than anything. May be more than your favorite choclate brownies😉.
Fine, i know you will tell me everything eventually. Btw, atleast tell me how was your suhaag raat (wedding night)  naa? Was it wild🔥? And yeah did you wear my gift😉? I know he must have fallen flat after seeing you in it..!

I cringed remembering last night. I just didn't want to go through it again. He was like a tiger who has not eaten anything for years..!! The mere thought of him brought tears in my eyes. I didn't know what should i repy.

I chose to ignore her. I texted back:
I don't love you more than brownies. By the way Ammu, I really have to go. My mother in law is calling me. May be something urgent. So im sorry. But i promise we will catch up pretty soon.
I love you
Yours, ALOO❤

Ammu replied:
Hey, but don't forget to ask your pyaara husband about your studies. It's just about 1 year and then you will be gratuated. I really worry about you alia. I don't know how you are..!
Hope we will meet soon.
I love you too aloo😘

All these while i just forgot about my studies. I needed to ask him. I always wanted to study, get a hifi job, live independently..! I think it's almost every girls dream. But my dream got shattered way too early.

He was late when he reached home. He said he already ate from the office and rushed to the bathroom.

You should tell him about your studies. Just don't be scared. Look into his face and just speak huh..! I was trying to boost my courage. But i know once i am infront of him, i won't be able to open my mouth..!!

"What are you thinking?" He asked which brought me back from my thoughts. "I..I was thinking about college. I want to complete my studies". Finally with all the courage i had, I asked him...!!! He gave me an angry glare after hearing me.

Hello folks,
Here is the 4th chapter. I think that was enough for today.  So, tell me how was the chapter..?? And what do you think will be Azeem's reply? Will he let her continue her studies? Do you think so? Let me know..!🤗
I was really busy today. But still i managed to come up with something. I really hope you like it.
And I know that it's a bit slow but please bear with me. I promise that i will make this more intresting for you in the future...!!

Thankyou all for reading this story. Please keep reading & keep voting.
Love you all😘

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