Crush part 26

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'Hey baby we had fun did you on your you day' I asked. 'Oh I had fun I need you to close your eyes ' lou said pulling two bandanas out from the tent. 'Hey b-b-baby' bill said kissing her cheek. She wrapped the bandana around my eyes first and tied a knot. They she did the same to bill. 'Vic pat help me please ' lou said grabbing mine and bills hand. I heared the tent undo as we walked in. 'Sit' lou said. She let go of our hands as we sat down. 'Grab those will you thanks ' lou said to pat of Vic. 'Here you go louise ' Vic said 'why thank you victor' lou placed something in my lap and probably bills too. Pat and Vic walked behind us and took our blindfolds of. As the blindfold got taken of us I saw pictures hanging down and fairy lights lighting up the tent. When I looked close at the pictures I saw it was young bill and young me. 'Lou baby ' I said as I tried to pull her on my lap. 'No ' she said pointing to my lap. I saw there was a present. And one in bills lap too. 'Go on open them. ' lou smiled. 'Bill you go first. ' I said. He looked at something then looked at it again. 'O-o-oh my g-g-god its baby h-h-henry' bill said pointing at a picture of me as a baby 'oh look there's one of you here to' I said pointing to it. 'Where did you get these from' I asked lou looking at the pictures. 'Your dad h and your mom b' she laughed 'and there mine to keep I copied them. ' she giggled. 'Goddamn open the presents ' Vic said intrged to see what we got. I looked at bill 'you first ' I said as he opened the present. He pulled out two drawing pads and pencils. 'Thank y-y-you baby' bill said hugging her. 'Your welcome ' she said back. 'Your g-g-go h' bill said pulling Lou onto his lap. I opened the present to see a new cap , a shirt, ripped jeans and new shoes. 'You both got the same amount I have a confession I had help from Stan and belch ' lou said. 'And pat and Vic I have something for you for helping me. ' she said pulling two smaller presents out. They opened it to have matching tops 'thanks lou' they said pulling her in for a hug. ' thank you baby ' I said while kissing her lips. 'W-w-wait so while w-we were at the quarry y-y-you was s-s-sorting this out ' bill said entertwining our hands. 'So when Vic was telling us to get our arse out of here you needed to sort this place out' I said squeezing bills hand a bit. 'Yeah it was so do you like it' lou said. 'We love it' I said standing up walking toward a picture of me lou and bill. 'When was this taken ' I asked 'I dont know I just found it on my phone' she replied. 'I took it ' Vic said. 'Oh well thanks its a nice picture ' I said. 'Since I did this and I'm tired some one else can make dinner. Three two one' lou said 'pat' we all screamed 'Vic' pat said. 'Come on I'll help you' Vic said pulling pat up 'I don't wanna cook' pat moaned 'yes you do' Vic said pulling pat out the tent. 'Fine if you don't you get no kisses' Vic said walking out the tent 'no im coming ' pat said standing up.

I agreed to help Pat to give lou bill and henry some space to do their thing. 'So let's make spaghetti bolonase ' I said. I grabbed his and started to walk to the shop. 'Ohh let's get these. Then throw them in the tent at hilou ' pat laughed picking up two boxes of condoms 'why two packs ' I asked 'you know why' pat laughed throwing them in the basket. 'We need spaghetti. Meat. Sause and chocolate for me' I said 'oh and cookies ' pat  grabbing my hand. We got the things we needed and maybe a few things that we might not need. Pat picked up a huge thing of Pepsi. 'Omg please ' I said trying to reach the Pepsi that was ironically it was on the top selve which I could reach 'pat can we please get some' I wined since I loved Pepsi  'fine ' pat said putting it in the basket 'right lets go they need there condoms ' I laughed walking to the check out to pay

Once we got back to the tent we threw the condoms at them then put one pack in our side. We then uptown the Pepsi, chocolate and other things we brought for ourselves. And went to go cook. 'Put water in the pot' pat said as I filled the pot up. 'And boil it' I said turning the gas on. Pat brought a camping cooker. Pat put some salt in it 'flavor' he said looking at me. I put the mince in a pot and turned the gas on 'you need to stir it like this ' pat said putting his hands over mine and started to stir. 'henry' we heared lou moan which made me giggle 'did you just giggle' pat said running missing hand slowly up my back 'so what if I did' i said while giving a nervous giggle. 'I can't wait till dinners finished ' pat said as he walked over to get a drink 'are you seriously just gonna stop ' I said 'Vic your not stirring the mince ' pat said sitting on a chair. 'Your meant to be the one cooking ' I laughed as I stirred the mince and put the spaghetti in the boiled pot.

Time skip to when dinners ready.
'Guys its ready' I shouted. Pouring cold water over pats head. Pat had fallen asleep whilst I was cooking. 'Vic what the fuck' pat said pulling me on his lap and shaking his hair. 'No I don't want to get wet' I laughed ' you might do later' pat winked at me. Lou unzipped the tent and walked out in one of henrys tops and very short  shorts bill was next in just shorts and very messy hair. Then came henry wearing his trousers and a smile. 'Wait how did that even work lous on' pat said pulling his top of. 'She had it ' henry said being cut of by lou putting her hand over his mouth 'no one needs to know that' she said. 'W-w-well I know I d-d-did it' bill laughed sitting down 'wait where was Henry ' pat asked 'lalala LA lalala lalala' I shouted 'I don't want to know' I said pushing plates down 'help your self' pat said grabbing mine and his plate 'not a lot' I said after him. I laid my head on the table 'here we go babe ' pat said putting his hand on my back and putting my food next to me. I sat up and kissed his cheek 'thank you'
'Pictor ' lou screamed quickly to be shut up by bills lips on hers 'can we be that cute' I said to pat who was getting his food 'yeah ' he laughed. 'Oh lou henry tripped on air today' I said trying to scoop up some food. Lou started to laugh. 'Lady and the tramp ' pat whispered ad he sat down. 'Huh oh' I said as he used his fork to put a bit of spaghetti in his mouth. I grabbed the other end and put it in my mouth and started to suck it in. So did pat. As we reached the middle we kissed. 'How that for cute ' pat said. I kissed him again. Bill looked at lou and raised his eyebrow lou looked at him and did the same. At the same time they looked at Henry. 'What' henry said while eating. 'So Vic how many packs of condoms did you get they came in useful though' Henry said 'and I'm done ' I said pushing my plate away. 'No your not you haven't touched it' Pat said pushing the plate back towards me. I tried to push it away but he pushed it further towards me. 'Uhh fine ' I said splitting it in half and putting half on pats plate and eating the other half. 'Its better than nothing but if you don't eat that your not having chocolate ' pat said. 'You sound like my mom ' lou said but then got really sad remembering she haddent seen her mom or dad in over two months. Henry put an arm around her 'your second family right here Vic can be your mom pat can be your dad and we are your boyfriends ' Henry said. 'But I'm vics daddy' pat laughed. 'Pat seriously ' I said turning bright bright red.

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