Chapter 6

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 I couldn't wait to tell Ally, I thought to myself as I practically ran home. Lily and I had sat under the oak until it started to get cold, talking about everything and nothing. It wasn't until the sun had long since gone down when I walked her back to her Dad's house and kissed her good night. I was now on my way home. I felt at ease knowing that Lily was in the safety of her home. A thousand thoughts ran through my head; How would I tell Ally? How would I break it to my Mum? What would the rest of the family think? Could I make this work? I wanted it to work, that was one of the few things I knew. That and that this is the happiest I have been in a long while and it was all thanks to Lily. The bitter air around me seemed to scratch my skin, leaving it cold and sore. The air hung heavily and an unsettling feeling kicked violently in my stomach. I ran faster.

The world whizzed past me in an cluster of dull colours, the greys and black setting an eerie atmosphere. An owl cried out from somewhere behind me but I didn't stop to look whereas in any other night I would. My legs were beginning to ache so deciding that I was safe I decided to stop for a moment, leaving again a wall, to catch my breath and allow my legs to rest before I carried on. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back against the wall, my breath begging to settle, oblivious to the hand that was wrapping itself slowly around my arm. It was only when the grasp tightened did I realise that I wasn't alone but I realised too late. I was pulled harshly to the side before being shoved against a wall, my head snapped back against the stone wall. The grip on my arm vanished and I fell to the cold ground, damp seeping through my trousers. I looked around to try and set some bearings, to figure where I was and who had grabbed me but it wasn't long before my attackers boot collided violently with my face. That was followed by another sharp blow only this time it was to my stomach followed by another and another. I lay on the ground in the fetal position, my breath coming out in ragged and unsteady breaths. As coughed and spluttered I put my hand to my mouth only to see it dripping a thick crimson when I pulled it away. I felt a salty stream of tears wash down my face, and my body began to shake in fear. I pleaded silently, fearing that if I said anything it would make things worse. I heard a deep breath and then my attacker started shouting and continued to kick into my chest and stomach.

“This is what you deserve you disgusting, lesbian freak!” They shrieked. I couldn't pin point the voice but at that present moment I didn't know if I was going to live let alone try and find my attacker. I heard a stomach churning noise and I assumed it was the breaking of my ribs. That was the last sound before everything went black and and a white noise filled my ears.

"Please don't leave me. Come back to my, Chloe, please. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry just please don't leave me. Walk up, please."

White light leaked through my eye lids and I opened my eyes to see a blinding light above me. I scrunched up my eyes trying to adjust to my surroundings. Where the hell was I? When my eyes adjusted I looked around, seeing a pristine white room, with high tech machinery. Too white, too clinical. My eyes opened wide, horrified to see a bag full of clear liquid hanging on a metal pole barely a foot away from me. I followed the pipe connected to the bag down to see it attached to a needle which had been shoved into my skin and taped down to keep it secure. I tried my hardest to sit up when a gentle and familiar voice startled me.

“Hey, easy.” I looked around, trying to find the person the voice belonged to. I smiled weakly when my eyes fell upon Lily. I continued trying to prop myself up, stopping abruptly when an antagonising pain shot across my chest and I winced falling back against my pillows. “Careful, those bones have just been reset,” Lily told me.

“Why am I here and in this much pain?” I asked.

“You got attacked. I phoned you but you never answered, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay so when you didn't answer I panicked. I kept trying your phone but you wouldn't pick up so I came to find you. I found you in a heap on the floor of an alley way, out cold. I phoned an ambulance and you've been here since.”

“How long have I been here?” I asked, genuinely concerned that I couldn't remember.

“Three days,” she laughed, “You've been asleep the whole time.” A young man in a white coat knocked gently on my door, and smiled at Lily and me sympathetically.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, his eyes scanning the chart from the bottom of my bed, vigorously.

“Sore,” I croaked.

“Yes, well, I'll get a nurse to come along and sort that shortly. You are very lucky you know, if wasn't for this young girl, you would be in a worse state. You lost quite a lot of blood and two of your broken ribs threatened to puncture your lung. You have been asleep for three days and your friend hasn't left you side.” He smiled, nodded and left the room.

“I couldn't bare to leave you,” she admitted, her eyes glazed over as tears threatened to storm her face. “I was so scared. I was so scared you wouldn't wake up.” She couldn't hold the tears. I took her hand and squeezed it.

“I'm awake now. Thank you for staying with me and I'm sorry for scaring you. I can't think of anyone I would have rather woken up to by my side.” Lily just leant forward and kissed my forehead.

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