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yup, as i said, short hiatus. everything should be edited up to this point. i recommend rereading the entire thing, there is a lot of things younger me forgot to add. thank you for reading!

faith, trust, and pixie dust,

~ margrett :)

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CHAPTER 6: Savior

  Wendy's eyes couldn't believe how many hollowed out tree halls the large hideout had within its walls. Wendy came to the conclusion that Peter must've had an obsession with trees, or maybe tree houses? She wasn't entirely sure, all she knew was that his many hideouts scattered and abandoned on Neverland had all been trees. Once, when the boys were sleeping, Peter had snuck her out in the early morning and flew her to one of his favorite old hideouts. He flew her to a shimmering lagoon, ( and thankfully ) far away from Mermaid's Lagoon. There, he introduced her to his secret spot. It was an old tree, surely wise, with many green vines wrapped and tangled around it. Moss grew on its trunk from it's old age, but Peter tore the moss away to reveal an interesting set of platforms leading up to the top of the tree.

He told her, "Old but still good. I know it looks gross, but hey, there's a pretty view at the top. Let's go see it!"

With a chuckle, Peter had bellowed a quick, "Race ya!" before he jumped and disappeared within the tree's branches. Curse the luxury of flight! Wendy couldn't help but giggle as she quickly ( and carefully ) climbed up the tree's trunk using the nailed-on platforms provided for her. Within the second to the last, the poor girl had slipped, for that platform was extra mossy.

She had begun to shriek as she felt her body fall backwards. However, the scream was cut short as Peter grasped her wrist at the last second and decided, maybe, he should just fly her up the rest of the way.

They entered the hideout with Wendy's grip on Peter's hand a little too tight, but not too uncomfortable. Peter hid a smile as he brought his dear friend into the small house. The floorboards creaked with every step, and there were a few natural bugs here and there, nothing too jurassic. At least, for Peter. Wendy was cringing with every creak and every pitter patter heard. She prayed that there was no horrid bugs that fed nightmares into her brain, she'd rather have sweet dreams tonight.

Rolling his sharp eyes, Peter led Wendy into a small room they had to go on their knees for, and crawled towards a sealed opening. Wendy and Peter stopped by the opening, light peeking through the cracked wood. She looked at him with a puzzled smile, Peter grinned and suddenly sprung his elbow towards the opening. Wendy was scared at first, the loud noise made her jump in fright. But what she saw next had changed it all. Her startled expression transformed into a brilliant smile, and Peter felt pride in knowing that he had caused this beautiful smile.

"Like it?" Absentmindedly, she nodded, still gazing upon the wondrous sight of Neverland's sun peaking over the mountains past the lagoon and the forest of trees.

"This hideout belonged to just me. I used to live here with Tink, and that's when she gave me the idea of finding others... others that wanted to find a new home, here in Neverland. Others that were thrown out, misunderstood, and didn't want to grow up." He had told her, and though she was quite distracted, she understood what he had meant. Peter Pan was lonely.

"Oh thank you Peter! This sight is beautiful!" she cried gleefully, their hands still intertwined with one another, "But, I don't understand? Why did you bring me here?"

"Because Wendy," he said in a voice filled with warmth and care, "Out of all the lost boys I have brought to Neverland, out of everyone I've ever met, I'm so happy that somehow you ended up never wanting to grow up, that I had the chance to whisk you away to Neverland.. It's fun having you here.. This tree was once my happy thought, it was one of the first place that brought me so much fun memories of this island.. But now..,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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