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CHAPTER 3: What I Once Called Home

Wendy arrived once more at the beautiful shores of Neverland, after taking a final look at the beautiful sight of the island she once called home, she noticed a few things different,.. the trees leaves were droopy, there were hardly any flowers, and there were dead grass plots along the floor. Her feet hit the sand softly.

"T-Tink.. what happened here?" she looked around and scanned the area, everything around her was dying.

Tink looked at Wendy-bird and touched her cheek gently, "Wendy, ever since Peter had gone missing, Neverland has been dying. Slowly but surely, the island.. the nature surrounding and the nature on it... and even the people."

"W-what about.." she shuddered at the thought of her dear Indian friends slayed against their will, Tink gave her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry Wendy-bird, everyone is safe in an underground hideout."

Wendy looked confused, "The hideout that me and my brothers stayed in last time we came here? How did everyone fit? We children could barely fit!"

"Oh no, no, no! That old thing Peter had grown too big to be in there, so he kinda abandoned it. You see, ever since you left, that mischievous thing started to grow." the fairy explained with remorse, "He hated it."

Wendy stared at Tink with eyes like saucers, "Grow?"

"Yeah," she spat, "And the more and more he grew, the more and more cramped it got. He loved the place dearly, since it was the only thing left of you, except for the both of your thimbles and your hidden kiss.. but.. But.."

The ball of light gasped for breath, holding up a tiny hand, signaling a break.

Wendy sighed, "Breathe Tinkerbell."

The fairy did as told and continued, "He made it into a sacred spot. It's funny, on days like this, I'd find him there, staring at it. I'm sure he missed you a whole lot, and not to mention his lost boys. He would come here when the stress got to him, and he would remember all the wonderful adventures the two of you had. He really did miss you Wendy, you were his best friend."

Wendy's cheeks burned, so he did think of her? He still cared? She was surprised, for he was a boy who never wanted to grow up and become a hook. A little boy that had too many adventures, she thought he would surely forget. She just assumed, for her never came back for her, although he had promised. She was hurting all those years the people of her society called her crazy for believing in such fairytales. However, now she wondered if he too was hurting, she had taken away the only family he had, the lost boys. He probably couldn't visit her due to the fact he had duties on Neverland, just like she had duties to fulfill in London.

"Wendy? Wendy!" the young woman snapped back into reality, "Y-Yes?"

Tink grabbed the pale girl's thumb and started to lift her into the air, "Come on, let's go, I promised to meet up with Tiger Lily and her braves at the hideout after I got you. No time for sightseeing!" she scolded, "There's not much to be praised..."

Wendy nodded, her eyes were filled with determination as they flew off into the trees and continued their adventure.

- - - - - - -

Meanwhile, in the docks of the 'Jolly Roger' a grinning man had full armed pirates all lined up in front of him. Proudly, he strode in a pacing matter. Slow, and deliciously dangerous. The full-grown, built and armed men even shook at the actions of their captain, for they knew sadly well that at any moment that sharp iron hook of his could claw their eyes out in just one swing, or perhaps take a bite out of their bellies and continue until there was no more light in their eyes.

Not like there was still light to break in the first place.

"We've got Peter in captive, it's time now to get his Wendy-Bird." Hook grimaced, "I hear that insolent youth cries in the night for her, like a child crying for his mother."

The captain's sight swiveled upward at the overcast sky, an insane look in those blue eyes, "Imagine the look on his face when he sees her lying dead on the floor in front of him! Her blood staining my hook, perhaps maybe his blood soon after." the pirate laughed, quietly at first, then it picked up hysteria that it sent chills up the grown men's spines.

They cautiously laughed along with him.

"Smee!" Hook hollered for his second-in-command.

Smee, the jolly pirate, ran over as fast as his stubby legs could take him, "Yes cap'n?"

"Fetch the prisoner, I'm going to have some.. fun." Smee frowned slightly, secretly feeling pity for the young boy chained to their ships walls.

"Well, go on!" Hook gestured to Smee.

The pirate saluted swiftly, and ran underneath the ship to fetch Peter Pan. Minutes later, a crippled boy, beaten black and blue was thrown on the deck harshly. He let out a weak grown and had just enough strength to look up at his mortal enemy with no fear in his eyes.

"Ah," Hook smiled darkly, his black boot kicked Peter's ribcage and stomped on his stomach, Peter spat out blood from his mouth, and still yet, as the blood dripped in small streams from the corner of his lips, no sign of fear flickered through his brave eyes.

This angered Hook even more, "Peter Pan," he spat, purposely enunciating his name, spitting on the boy's face before he continued, "I hope you're enjoying your stay here."

Peter growled at Hook like a wild animal, trying to pounce on him at any chance he got. However, Hook's men held his arms back with a strong grip, and the boy couldn't even leave a scratch.

Amused, Hook shook his head, and in a scolding manner, "Tsk, Tsk, Pan. Not yet, not until your precious Wendy comes and sees your suffering, maybe even, participate in it."

Peter's eyes flashed with an emotion Hook had never seen before when he mentioned Wendy's name.

"Never!" the boy coughed out, "Leave her alone!" Peter begged.

Hook gave him a smile, "Take him back men. We'll sail at dawn!"

Peter's cries and struggles were loud trying to break free from the pirate's grasps, but soon they were drowned in the rowdy cheers of the pirates. They were going to hurt Wendy, he wasn't going to allow that. Hook would have to slit Peter's own throat before he'd be able to even think about touching hers.

The blonde kicked and fought, but the closer he got to the door leading to the underground cabin, his voice was caught in his throat, he whimpered, shaking his head. He cursed himself for becoming this weak, and made a final cry before being submerged within the darkness of the lower decks.



Author: Well, there it is! Finished chapter 3! I might rewrite if I find any mistakes I made! Thank you for the reviews and votes! ❤️ It makes me really happy that you all care!

Sorry that this chapter is a little long!
Until next update!

Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust,
~ Margrett

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