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CHAPTER 4: Tigerlily

Wendy could remember her first moments in Neverland was almost her last. She remembered how frightened she felt when the arrow had struck her body, it terrified her so much it made her lose her breath, and she had fainted in mid-air. Next thing Wendy knew, she was in a little house made of twigs and leaves, and outside her door was six little boys on their knees, begging for her to become their new mother.

Wendy missed those days in Neverland, things were more beautiful, more alive. For sure, it was much less dangerous.

"Tinkerbell," Wendy said to the fairy flying in front of her, "Please slow down Tink, I've never ran so roughly since the last time I was here! Tinkerbell!"

Wendy's complaints made Tink stop in her tracks. Tink turned her tiny body around slowly.

"Y-You haven't what?" Tinkerbell's outburst made the girl jump back in fear, when Tinkerbell got angry, it was best to be out of the way.

"How in the world are you supposed to FIGHT HOOK, give back Neverland's LIFE, AND rescue Peter if you've never even ran this 'roughly' since the last time you were here?" Tink flew closer to Wendy's face with every action stated, each time the fairy's rant became louder and louder, and she got closer and closer until she sat on the tip of Wendy's nose.

There she sighed and rubbed the temple of her own in frustration, "This'll take longer than I thought." Tink muttered under her breath as she rubbed at her face tiredly.

"Sometimes I wonder what Peter saw in you." Tinkerbell retorted.

Wendy was offended and gasped.

"Tinkerbell!" she yelled and swatted the flying fairy away from her nose. Tink shrugged in mid-air with a weary smile on her face looking at Wendy. The girl with the chestnut hair placed both fists on her hips, and at Tink and did something that her Aunt Millicent would've slapped her hands red if the woman had been there to see it, Wendy stuck her tongue out of her mouth and 'Hmph'ed loudly and smugly at the fairy.

"Whatever, come on let's go Wendy, Lily's waiting for us!" Wendy let out a large huff but nodded in agreement. She couldn't imagine how much time they've wasted arguing here.

It had taken a while to get to the said hideout that Tinkerbell had described. About an hour or two passed by before Wendy even saw the watch towers. Tink's face brightened, "Ah, there it is! Just a while more Wendy."

Wendy sighed and nodded as she dragged herself closer and closer to their destination. "Tink, how is everyone? Tigerlily?"

Tink merely shrugged, "Tigerlily's that same fierce warrior, however she may look different to you because she has grown. She's no longer a little girl like you once were."

"I thought no one grew up in Neverland!" Wendy exclaimed, her voice barely stable.

Tink's light flickered, and Wendy supposed that it was controlled by Tinkerbell's emotions.

"That was before, Wendy, and this is now." was all Tink spared her as the fairy's wings drooped slightly.

Tink picked herself back up and sucked in a sharp breath, "C'mon we're almost the−"

Tinkerbell was cut off when Wendy's scream pierced her pointed ears. A second later Wendy swung high in a net that was looped from a tall tree branch, the crown of companionship fallen onto the leaves below her.

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