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CHAPTER 2: Midnight Visitor

Wendy Darling sighed with glee as she felt herself lift into the misty air of bleak nighttime. She turned her head to the right and smiled, a blonde boy with adorable freckles decorating his face was watching the stars as they danced throughout the sky.

"Wendy," the deeper voice called out for her, one she did not expect. Peter's lips moved as if he was the one whom was speaking, but it couldn't have been. The girl tilted her head in confusion.. this voice.. it sounded unfamiliar, and distant. It brought forth a sort of tug of emotions on her heart, as it was warning her of something yet to come.

"Yes? What is it, Peter?" she questioned, the two stopped their midnight flight.

"Wendy," Peter had a dejected look in his eyes, one that scared her, mostly because Peter's eyes were never sad. Usually, they were full of life, bouncing with uncontainable joy.

His next words frightened her the most, "Help me.."

Wendy's eyes widened as the scenery changed, it changed into a creaky, scary area. It was this room again, and she turned away with a gasp not wanting to see anymore, covering her ears and shutting her eyes tight. She didn't want to see the lifeless body just a few feet away, not again.

"No..," she whispered, her voice fighting to become stable once more.

Low footsteps could be heard, someone was coming to this prison cell, and they were coming fast. Wendy flew behind one of the stacks of crates and peeks around to see the door fling open. Her eyes widened at the scene in front of her and, frankly, she couldn't believe it.

"Hook..?" she whispered in the teeniest of whispers, but how was he still alive? Hadn't he been swallowed whole by the crocodile?

The old man snickered evilly to his fallen prisoner, as he had done the previous night. He viewed the beaten prince like he was viewing his grandest trophy.

"Oh Peter," he sang, grinning all the while, "Have you been having.. dreams again?"

The boy's eyes fluttered only to be draped half-way, "No.." he answered, though it wasn't an honest answer, and somehow, Wendy knew that.

The man sneered, with a growl her grasped the boy's blonde curls and hiked his face up with a painful tug, "Do not lie to the great Cap'n Hook, m'boy, tell me.. what did you dream this time? Was it about Tinkerbell? Your great adventures as the boy who never grew up?"

Hook's mouth curled into a sickening smirk, his words rolling off his tongue in a menacing, mocking manner, "Or, about the Darling child?"

Peter Pan hissed at the title, "Her name is Wendy, you codfish!"

He tried to grasp onto Hook's neck but the chains held him in place and his hands in still cuffed to the rotting wall.

Hook only smirked victoriously, "Foolish boy, no matter how many times you try, you will never be able to escape those cuffs. No matter how many times I torture you with my taunting words or with her name. You can never ever escape. Trust my word."

Hook reassured this to Peter for the hundredth time. The blonde's head hung low at his harsh words. It was true. No matter how many times he tried, he could not slip his hands through the iron cuffs and strangle the hell out of Hook and his nasty words.

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