Chapter 36 ## Beach

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"James stop messing with my stuffs, I'm warning you." I tell sternly to my brother who's busy with my laptop, trying to open it.

Poor boy he doesn't know password.

'He doesn't need to know in first place.'

"Why did you change your password?" He asks peeking above from my laptop screen.

"Because it's mine, simple."

A yawn escapes from my lips as I see him gritting his teeth tightly.

"Bring it here I'll open it up for you." I sit up on my bed. He brings my laptop and I simply type my password on the box.

"There but it's for the last time."

"I love you Mia." He happily cheer up as his mood enlighten. I ruffle his hair as I notice him getting taller than before.

Time passes in a blink of an eye. Whether you want to pause it or not, it's not gonna stop.

"By the way your boyfriend is in downstairs." He informs as he plugs the charger in board.

I didn't waste any second to rush in bathroom and done my morning jobs. I come downstairs when I notice him sitting on dinner table while my mom is busy in making breakfast for him.

"Hey." I walk towards him as he grips my waist and pull me into him.

"Morning beautiful." He greets and gives me a light kiss on my cheek. I nudge him in chest playfully.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" I take a seat beside him and put plates on for him and me.

"Ohh don't worry we are busy with games, you were not needed." He winks but soon he yelp in pain when I hit him on his head.

"Ouchhh, I was just joking." He acts to rub his  imaginary wounded head.

I smile at him as he winks again.

"So, what are doing today?" He asks me while stuffing breakfast in his mouth.

"Haven't decided yet. Probably will sleep all day." I reply and gulp the juice.

Aiden pause in his track when he saw me. He's holding a knife and a fork in his both hand and look directly at me without even blinking an eye.


"How old are you?" He asks with wide eyes. I was going to answer him when he get up from his chair and calls for mom.

"Look Kathleen she's acting like a eighty years old lady. "

Mom laughs in response which causes him laughs too.

I stuck my tongue out both of them and continue my breakfast.

After sometime we are sitting in couch. I'm watching tv and I can feel continuous gaze of Aiden on me.

"Why are you acting weird today?" I turn my head to him and ask confusedly.

"I have planned something for us, be ready by six I'll pick you up." He informs as he get up from couch and plant a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Where are you taking me?" I try to match his footstep but he gives a flying kiss and drive away. I was watching his car fade away when...

"This boy loves you. Doesn't it?" Mom places a hand on my shoulder and look at me.

"Undoubtedly yes Mom." A smile creeps on my lips and mom smiles back. I can see that she's searching my eyes for assurence.

There is no doubt that Aiden loves me a lot. Three months earlier when he first told me seriously about his feelings I was shocked to response. But then again I didn't want to think much about it and ended up saying yes after few days.

"Fate" | #Wattys2018 |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang