Chapter 11## Alex is here

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On the very next day Aiden told me he will pick me up at 7pm. I told him i'll be ready.

Now i'm sitting in bed totally confused what to wear. I hate that thing about dates.  He didn't even told me where he is taking me for date.

When suddenly Stacey's name flashes in my phone, I answer "you secretive bitch, you didn't tell me you are going with him in a date".

I roll my eyes and reply back "as long as i can remember you are the one left me alone in the party".

"Touché, I was giving you both your personal time idiot" Stacey says. I know she is smiling evilly on the other side. I huff in irritation.

"And i think it works because you are going with him, he is a nice guy Mia, give him a chance" Stacey says with concern in her voice.

" Stacey you know i'm not ready for this" I say. I told her that over thousand time.

" No one is ready for anything in the world, let the things happen in it's own flow, you can't live your life alone." She says, i close my eyes in reaction.

" You are waiting for that guy who never give you importance, who changed when he got hold on Julie, he left you Mia" she says. I know she is right and i hate it.

" Okey Stacey" I say.

"That's my baby girl" she cheers me up. I smile at her techniques how can she make me smile.

" Go, wear something sexy" she says.

"See you later Stacey" I say and end the call. It's better not to discuss about dresses with Stacey because you'll be ended up wearing nothing but mini dresses. Mini means shoter than any short dress which will show you half butt hanging.

I keep my phone in desk and pick up a off shoulder yellow dress from cupboard. The dress ended up about three inches above my knee, it makes my shoulder blade more prominent. You know what? It makes my mole which i have in the juncture of neck and shoulder clearly visible.

I wear it and look at the mirror, it hugs my chest and hip perfectly. Then i tie my hair in a high ponytail and let some locks of my hair fall in my face naturally. I put a red nude lipstick with lip some gloss.

When i'm satisfied with my reflection in mirror...

"Mia come downstairs baby there is a handsome guy's asking for you." Mom yells.

" Comming mom." I reply my mom.

I run downstairs while setting my black hills. When i look at Aiden with wide eyes, he is wearing a back blue t-shirt and a jeans both are gorgeously complimented by a leather jacket. He looks really handsome.

When he sees me ogling at him he winks at me. I turn my gaze with flushed skin.

"Bye mom, i'm going " i says my mom giving her a peck on her cheeks.

She is eyeing me with a amusement in her eyes.

" Enjoy young lady" she winks at me. What's the problem with winking today i tell mentally to myself.

"You look beautiful Mia" Aiden compliments while opening the car door for me, I flushed.

"Thanks, you are not looking bad either" I reply back.

I sit on the front seat with him and he start the engine..

After sometime we stop in front of a restaurant. I look at the restaurant with furrowed eyebrows,

" It's close i think, i can't see anyone"  I ask him, getting out of the car.

"Nah i have booked the restaurant" he says like it's a normal thing to do. It takes time to comprehend what he is saying...

"What?" I look at him with disbelief.

" You book this fucking whole restaurant?" I'm beyond surprised. I knew he is rich but for a simple date he booked the whole restaurant, it's insane.

" Yes, i do need some alone time with you, so no one can disturb us" he says, taking my hand in his and lead me to the way.

The whole restaurant is decorated with white lilies, how did he know about Lily, Stacey has informed him about that. I inhale the deep smell of flowers. There is also heart shaped candles are placed everywhere.

He let me choose the seat as the restaurant is fully empty. I sit on the last table.

We ate pretty quick, after a long time going out with some guy is pretty awkward and i'm not used to it.

"  Thanks for the dinner Aiden, Are we going home now?" I ask him, hoping to escape that situation. I'm pathetic, this guy who is sitting in front of me has done the things which every girl would want in a blink of an eye and i couldn't make myself enjoying it.

"You enjoyed it? "  He tells, grining like a teenager.

"Yepp undoubtedly" i give him a short reply witha soft smile.

Suddenly someone bumps into me.

"Oppsss sorry madam" I apologise immediately.

" It's okey young lady."  The middle aged lady says, i look at her curiously. I knew the voice, i knew who she is.

" Aunt Lisa, is that you?" I ask her, i can she is aunt Lisa from her body structure, she is trying to even the flods of her dress.

" Mia?" She ask surprisedly.

I won't give her any chance for confirmation. I embrace her immediately, she was always a second mother to me.

" Ohh baby girl, look you have grown up in a beautiful lady." She exclaimed with proud, rubbing my back with affection.

" I missed you." I tell her the truth. I bury my face in her neck, hugging tightly.

"I know baby but Alex was desperate to leave this place Mia, we don't have any choice." She says with a sad tone.

"You know him very well, we don't know what happened in between two of you but the separation was necessary at that time." She says in a soft tone.

My heart aches, our parents don't know yet what happened between two of us but they know very well that we won't cross our path.

"Aunt Lisa, meet Aiden my friend." I introduce her with him, not wanting to remember those memories.

After bidding aunt Lisa goodbye we drove towards my home.

"mmm Mia, who was that lady?" he asks.

" She is Alex's mom." I tell him then realization hits me.

If she is here that means probably Alex is here too.

My heartbeat suddenly increases. Alex being in this town again is terrifying me. This can't be happen.
He had told me he won't come back but now he is here.

Alex is here.

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