Chapter 2

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Alex's P.O.V.

Beep, beep, beeeeeep

My alarm clock blares the next morning, earning a groan from me. I shut it off and slowly get out of bed, tired and delirious. Maggie stirs, opening her eyes slowly and yawning. She gets up and follows me to the kitchen. I almost jump out of my skin when I see Kara sleeping on the couch. I hurry over to her, now rushing to get ready to go to work.

"Kara, it's time to wake up," I say, shaking her and she groans. Without saying a word, she gets up off the couch and pours herself a cup of the coffee that Maggie had just made. I laugh and Maggie looks at me, amused.

"Kara isn't a morning person," I whisper to her as I walk by to grab some coffee for myself.

"Clearly!" Maggie half snorts, half laughs.

"I can hear you," Kara warns grumpily, making Maggie and me burst into even more laughter.

I go through my morning routine as usual. Showering, putting on my uniform, and heading out the door after kissing Maggie goodbye. I quickly arrive at the DEO and upon my entrance, J'onn barks my first orders of the day. Nowadays, I try to stay away from him as much as possible, hoping he won't read any of my bad thoughts. I know it isn't a flawless plan but I hope it's working.

I quickly spring into action, assigning jobs for people to do and doing everything I need to get done. The day goes by slowly, painfully, and stressfully. Until, the DEO gets attacked. Nothing too terrible happens, but I end up injuring my wrist. I think it's just a sprain, but Kara is determined to make sure everything is okay. And that is where my problems lie.

I swear up and down that it's totally fine, but Kara continues to be persistent. She insists that either she x-rays it herself or I get a doctor to look at it. I absolutely refuse to have her x-ray my arm.

I don't know why she's choosing today of all the days to be overly protective, but she is. We argue for an entire hour about it, while I'm trying to get work done, until she drags me, unwillingly, to one of the doctors. I make sure to have Kara leave before I even so much as let the doctor touch my arm.

She lifts it up and down and has me move it to see what hurts and what doesn't. Multiple times she tries to lift my sleeve and I know I'm hindering the examination but I refuse every time. The doctor is clearly getting frustrated with my noncompliance and I feel bad, I really do, but she can not lift my sleeve even a little. Finally, I'm free to go after she diagnoses it as a minor sprain.

Kara rushes up to me soon after I leave. Worry is etched all over her face. She immediately opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off.

"It's just a minor sprain. But, Kara, what's up with you? You're acting strange and it's starting to get on my nerves," I ask, maybe a little too harshly, still agitated from the checkup session with the doctor.

"I've been acting strange?! You've been acting strange for these past few months. What's up with you?" She reverses the question back to me indignantly. I gape at her, taken aback.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," I respond shakily and Kara raises her eyebrows at me.

"That's a lie and we both know it. You've been acting strange since January. Do you think I haven't noticed? Do you think everybody else hasn't noticed? We're all worried about you, so why don't you cut the crap," Kara raises her voice, then storms off angrily. Almost immediately, my eyes fill with tears and I rush off.

I don't know how, but I end up back at the apartment Maggie and I live in together. Without any hesitation, knowing Maggie won't be home, I go into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it behind me for extra measures. I grab my blade shakily and sink to the floor, my back against the door. I scream and cry and sob my eyes out before I do any physical damage.

(Next paragraph and thoughts)

After god knows how long, I stop crying long enough to roll up my sleeves and press the metal into my skin angrily. I drag it across my skin again and again, starting to sob frantically. In anger, I throw the blade down on the ground and just let both my bleeding arms hang down at my sides. I lean my head on the bathroom door in defeat and cry.

Everybody hates you!
You're causing people so much pain!
Why are they even friends with you?
All you do is ruin everything!

These thoughts repeat over and over again in my head, so loud I can barely hear anything else. I'm so upset I don't even hear my apartment door open and slam close or the footsteps that run across the floor frantically.

"Alex! Alex?" I hear Maggie call out worriedly and I hold back my tears and try to muffle my breathing so she won't know I'm here. Her footsteps come closer and closer to me and they stop right outside the door.

"Alex, I know you're in there," She says, barely loud enough for me to hear. Instead of responding, I breakdown crying and I hear Maggie sit down by the door. Then, I hear Kara rush into the apartment and I know Maggie must've texted her. I hear Maggie stand up as Kara gets closer and then there's some shuffling around.

"Alex, I'm really sorry, but don't make me use my powers. Please come out. We need to talk, we're all worried," Kara begs desperately.

"Please," Maggie whispers, sounding heartbroken.

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