Chapter 20: I Think I'll Pass

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Scully's POV

  I walked down the crowded hall, pushing past people as I went. As I continued to walk down the hallway, I noticed people staring at me. I noticed a guy and a girl (who I assumed was his girlfriend) pass me. The guy stopped for a moment and looked at me up and down. I raised my eyebrow. The girl hit the guy in the back of the head. I was getting more and more stares from people.

  Eventually, I saw Mulder leaning against the wall reading a book. I walked towards Mulder quickly. However, I was stopped by someone. It was so abrupt that I ran into their chest. "Jesus, watch where you're going!" I said.

  I looked up and noticed that I'd run into some random guy. "I-I'm sorry." He stuttered. He got out of my way and walked away. I looked back and watched him walk away.

  I continued to walk down the hall. In the distance, I saw Mulder leaning against the wall reading a book. I heard the second bell ring. Mulder closed his book and started walking to his first class. I sped up, going into a light jog to catch him. As I approached him, I placed my hand on his shoulder. He quickly turned around. "Oh hey Scully! What's up?" He asked.

Before I answered, I saw Mulder look at me up and down. "Yeah, I know. Monica gave me a makeover." I said sighing.

"Well, uh, you look good." Mulder said.

"Thanks." I said with a grin.

"I've never seen you wear your hair like that. Is your hair natural hair?"

I scratched my head through my hair. It felt like my hand disappeared in my hair. "Yeah. Usually I don't wear my hair naturally, but here we are."

  Mulder chuckled and I grinned. We stood there in an awkward silence for a moment. I broke the silence. "Should we get to class?" I asked.

  "Probably. Let's go." Mulder said. He offered his arm to me. I smirked and linked my arm with his. We walked down the hall and into our class.
Sam's POV

  I walked down the hall in my new outfit. I stood a little taller in my outfit. I really liked the pants I was wearing. My outfit made me feel more confident. I got a few stares from people, but I kept walking. I saw Eric getting his stuff from his locker. I walked a little faster and I tapped Eric on the shoulder. He turns around and smiles at me. "Hey Eric!" I said with a small smile.

  "Hi Samantha." Eric says, returning the smile. He looks at me up and down. "You look pretty today."

  I smiled. "Thanks."

  Eric blushed slightly. It made me chuckle lightly. "What's so funny?" He asked.


  Eric changed the subject quickly. "You seem more confident. Is it the outfit?"

  "I don't know. I guess." I shrugged.

  Eric and I started walking to class. We passed by Jack and his friends. Jack purposely bumped into Eric's shoulder as we passed them. I looked over my shoulder and glared at Jack and his friends. I looked back at Eric. "Are you ok?" I asked.

  Eric rubbed his shoulder slightly. "Yeah, I'm fine."

  "That's good." I said.

  "Can I ask you about something?"


  "Ok. Well, uh, I heard about what you did to Jack and his friends yesterday." Eric said nervously.

  My eyes widened. I wasn't super surprised though. "How?" I asked bluntly.

  "Well, actually I didn't hear about it. I actually saw it."

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