Chapter 15: Old Enemies & New Friends

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A/N: I apologize for any grammar or spelling errors I may have made along the way. Autocorrect is a bitch. It was a long chapter. I hope you like the chapter. Please comment and vote!

Scully's POV

  I can't believe what Alex did. I never expected that from him. Granted, I'd just met him yesterday, and I had my doubts, but I was hopeful. I was actually beginning to like Alex, but thank god I never let him take me out. What would've happened if said "yes?" What would've happened if I let him get close to me (emotionally)? This is why I have trust issues. I was stubborn. I was naïve. This always happens to me. I get too close to someone, and then when I think I can trust them, they betray me and my trust.

  These thoughts lingered in my mind for a while. I was only brought out of my thoughts when I heard Mulder's voice. "Scully?" He asked waving his hand in from of my face.

  I shook my head. "What?"

  "You haven't said a thing all lunch, what's wrong?"

  "Nothing's wrong. I'm just thinking about school. That's all." I lied.

  Mulder narrowed his eyes slightly. "Hm. Ok."

  Mulder, the Lone Gunmen, and I all carried on with eating outside at our table. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sam walking to the cafeteria to get some food.
Sam's POV

  I looked around the cafeteria for Eric. I saw him sitting alone at a table outside. I turned back around to get myself some food. I didn't know much about being in a real school, but one of the few things I did know was that the cafeteria food sucked. I decided to get nachos and a small Caesar salad because it was the only thing that looked somewhat appetizing. I gagged slightly as I picked up my food. I grabbed a juice box and paid the lunch lady for my food. I walked over to Eric. "Hey stranger." I said as I sat down.

  He looked up from whatever he was doing. "Hi Samantha." He said with a slight smile. He turned on the bench so he could face me. "So, how's your first day of school so far?"

  I took in a deep breath about to answer, but I was interrupted my someone picking up my lunch tray and dumping my food on top of my head. I saw a hand grab my juice box and then I felt cold apple juice run down my back. I could feel the hot, disgusting yellow nacho cheese run down my face and hair, along with the salad ingredients and its dressing. The majority of my food was not only in my head, but also in my lap.

  I mouth dropped open in shock. I closed my eyes to avoid disgusting lunch food getting in my eyes. I eventually wiped the food off my face with my hands. I looked up to see who had dumped my lunch on my head. Looking down at me, standing with her friends, with the smuggest smiles on their faces was none other than Bella Singer.
Scully's POV

I heard a crash of what sounded like a plastic lunch tray hit the ground behind me. I turned around and saw Sam covered in nacho cheese and salad dressing,. Her face was scrunched up, and her eyes were squeezed shut. I watched in horror as she wiped away the food from her eyes. I saw three girls standing behind her with their arms crossed. They were all wearing smug looks on their faces. The middle girl, who I assumed was the one who dumped food on Sam was wearing a white, lacy top with ripped, light high waisted denim jean shorts. She was wearing white converse and an anklet. She was tan and had bleach blonde hair (but her roots were a much darker blonde) and it was curled. She was holding a white bag that I assumed held her school things. She was a classic California valley girl.

  I watched as Sam slowly turned around to face whoever that was. I watched as Sam's face turned from shock to anger in less than a second. I didn't know Mulder had turned around as well, but I heard him quietly say, "Oh no."

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