Chapter 8: Who are You?

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*Disclaimer: Lyrics from Panic! At The Disco were used in this chapter.

This chapter will involve a past/dead X-Files character that I'm pretty sure no one ever liked. If you did like this character, let me know in the comments. If you didn't, let me know in the comments. As always watch the video above and enjoy the chapter!!!

Scully's POV

Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock went off. Without opening my eyes I slammed my hand down onto my alarm clock to shut it off. It didn't work. My eyes shot open, and I slammed my hand down onto the snooze button on my alarm clock. I slowly eased out of bed. I looked in the mirror hanging on my wall and realized two things: my hair was more of a mess than it normally is, and I had fallen asleep in Mulder's alien sweater he let me borrow.

  I wanted to give it back to him, but at the same time, I wanted to keep it. I sighed. I finally decided that I would where it to school and pray to God that Mulder wouldn't notice. I took off Mulder's sweater and my shirt. I put on a black bandeau and put Mulder's sweater back on. Then I put on the some black ripped shorts and black thigh-high socks. Over those socks I wore my black Doc Martins. I quickly made my bed and walked downstairs and into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast. When I got into the kitchen I saw a piece of paper lying on the kitchen island. I read the note to myself.

Dear Bill, Dana and Missy,

We'll be home later than usual tonight. We have a work meeting, but we should be home before ten tonight. Don't forget to Charlie otherwise hell worry. We left money in the entry way key tray so you can order pizza.

Love, Mom+Dad

I put the note back for Charlie to find. At first I wondered why Bill and Missy weren't up yet, but then remembered that Missy had a doctor's appointment, and Bill always exercised before school. It was just me. I got myself a bowl of cereal and quickly ate it. I put my dishes into the dishwasher and went back upstairs to get ready for school. But first I had to wake up Charlie.

I walked into his room and over to his bed. I sat down on his bed and ran my hand through his hair. "Wake up Charlie." I said softly.

Charlie turned a few times before opening his eyes. He attempted to rub the sleep from his eyes. "I don't wanna." He mumbled.

"You have to get ready for school." I said.

Charlie's eyes opened all the way. "Fine." Charlie sat up and got out of his bed.

"I have to get ready for school. Mom and dad won't be home til about ten. On the bright side, we get pizza for dinner. Also, my friend Mulder might come over again, tonight." I explained.


I walked out of his room and went into the bathroom. I brushed his my hair and put it into a half up half down. Then I brushed my teeth. I decided not to wear makeup because it wasn't worth the effort. I grabbed my black velvet choker with a crescent moon charm. I struggled with the the clasp for a moment. I looked at my phone to see the time. It was 7:08. Shit! The bus was going to be here any minute. I gave up on putting on my choker and shoved it into my pocket (I'd try again on the bus).

  I grabbed my backpack from my room and ran down the stairs and out the door. I got onto the side walk and jogged to my bus stop. I was just in time because when I looked to my left and saw a yellow bus driving towards me. It stopped right in front of me and the doors swung open. I walked onto the bus and gave the bus driver a small smile. As I walked down the isle, I looked for a place to sit. Apparently the bus driver must've thought I sat down because he started to pull away from the curd. The bus lurched forward, and I fell into a seat. I didn't fall on an empty seat. I felt something lumpy under me. I looked up to find none other than Fox Mulder staring down at me in shock. I immediately shot up from Mulder's lap. "Mulder!" I said in a surprised voice. "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't ride this bus."

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