Who's mommy here?

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"Join me, mi señora."

I looked at Asmodeus' extended hand and brushed it off immediately. How dare he call me his lady?

"Te ves hermosa, querida." (You look beautiful, dear.)

Why the hell is he suddenly interested in Spanish? Without responding, I made my pace towards the empty bed.

Despite my hesitation, he took my hand in his and guided me into the center. Everyone stopped chanting and looked at me with pure hatred.

Great! Now what did I do to them?

"Mis amigos de confianza ... Nuestro día finalmente ha llegado. Mi hijo estará despierto de su largo sueño."

(My trusted friends... Our day has finally come. My son will be awake from his long sleep.)

The crowd cheered violently. Suddenly I felt like a deer in the middle of predators, if only I could prance away.

"Su corazón y su poder nos harán indestructibles. Dominaremos este mundo sin piedad y mataremos a todos los que se crucen en nuestro camino. A la victoria."

(His heart and his power will make us indestructible. We will ruthlessly rule this world and kill everyone who crosses our path. To victory.)

Everyone was literally jumping up and down shouting profanities, emphasizing the point of them being wild.

"Shall we, beautiful?"

I looked at him again with disgust and lied down on the bed that was covered with red silk.

Henry was also placed on a similar bed. Though he looks peaceful, I know that once he's awake, evil will soon take over the world. Poor humans don't even know what's awaiting them.

I restricted my vision to focus only on the kerosene lamps and smoke above.

Shadows passed all around me. As time drifted, the voice of chanting increased to an unbearable volume. I wanted to scream and beat the hell out of everyone who's causing me a headache now. I mean, don't they know the meaning of peaceful death?


Someone shouted at the top of his lungs. And that answered my previous question.

All the sounds faded once a man covered in a black cloak stood right above me. It was not the hideous mask that scared me, but the long dagger that he held between his closed palms.

It's really happening. I am going to die. Tears were on the verge of getting free, but I shut them, or at least tried to. Few of them escaped on their own.

My hands rose to wipe them, but they were outrun by someone else's. And that mere touch erupted, sparks all around my stomach and heart. The ones which I thought would never be experienced again.

I clutched his hands with full force, as if my life depended on it. And more tears fell, but only because of happiness.

He is here. For me. God... how much I love this man...

Ryan moved his hand away once Asmodeus returned from Henry's bed. I couldn't help but smile at his evil face.

"Your smile won't last long, Atarah."

He said, coming near me, but I no longer feared him.

"We will see."

I was astonished at hearing my own voice. It was bold and full of confidence. My mate is really my spine.

"There's nothing to see, dear. Mátala." (Kill her.)

He ordered his executioner, aka my mate. Ryan raised his dagger, and the crowd roared. I wonder if they even know me to hate me this much.

Stuck with my Vampire MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora