3 - Mr. Perfect

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With a twisted grin plastered across his face, he looked directly into my eyes, exuding an enigmatic air of innocence. In an unsettlingly cheerful tone, he brazenly declared that he possessed the power to fulfill all of my desires, effortlessly granting me everything, save for one seemingly impossible request—liberation from this dreaded purgatory of hell. The audacity of his actions left me incredulous, unable to fathom his defiant nerve to hang such tantalizing promises before me while ruthlessly denying my ultimate dream of escape.

"You know what? This place sucks. You told me I could wish for anything that's normal. And all I wanted was for you to release me from this goddamn place, but you are saying NO. Isn't that normal enough, or don't you keep your word?"

I unleashed a deafening outburst, feeling the roughness of my throat as it rasped its last syllables. Deep down, I guess I already knew; my inner mind had forewarned me of the inevitable, yet his enticement had cunningly pierced through my defenses. Those first two wishes, seemingly made possible by his tactics, had engulfed me in a whirlwind of false promises. Overwhelmed by a surge of indignation, I directed my anger not only at the denial of my fervent desires but also at my own foolishness for letting my guard slip, dropping the unwavering alertness I had once vowed to uphold.

He replied to my heartfelt grief with nothing more than a mere dismissive smile. Oh, how rude of this imbecile! A bolt of rage had been summoned from the depths of my being, and it surged through my veins, igniting an intense fury within me. Without a moment's hesitation, the most perilous words escaped my lips.

"I'm hungryyyyyy."

If there's one thing that could deter me from exacting revenge on him at this very moment, it's the power of food. Right on the edge of crumbling emotionally, I hopelessly suppressed my vulnerability, refusing to let him see my tears. I was exhausted and drained, and I felt utterly incapable of engaging in any physical altercation with him, no matter how desperately I desired to unleash my rage and end his existence. Don't ask me where I get such an appetite; it's just in my blood. I eat and eat and eat, yet somehow I maintain a svelte figure with alluring curves that satisfies my confidence when slipping into a figure-hugging dress. My metabolism was no joke, and I have always been grateful to my genes for that.

With a look of guilt etched across his face, he swiftly rose from his seat and turned his gaze towards the exit, leaving me wondering if he had noticed the tears welling up in my eyes. He shouted at someone, and within five minutes, my food was served. Well, at least that was fast. As the tantalizing scent of freshly baked bread and sizzling bacon enveloped the air, my senses became captivated. Even as the sound of my restraints being released clung to the background, my focus remained fixated on the delectable aroma. I eagerly grasped the fork and devoured the entire plate with remarkable speed, effortlessly disregarding any notions of proper etiquette in the process. Hell with ladylike manners.

Once the mission drew to a triumphant close and a slight sense of relief permeated through my being, my curious gaze wandered across the room, only to be stopped by the sight of the self-congratulatory Greek God, who seemed to be perpetually entertained. A mix of disdain and icy hatred churned up within me as I decided it was time to make my exit. However, before I could take a step, he audaciously interrupted my departure, grasping my left wrist firmly with his imposing, frigid fingertips. This idiot! His actions sparked a fiery displeasure within me.

"No, my lady, you are not allowed to leave this spot since you brought this on yourself. You need to stay confined for one more hour, as indicated by the law book, for attempting to get away. Then you can go back to wherever you want within this mansion. That's the least non-harmful punishment we could give for your misbehavior."

He emphatically stated the phrase 'within this mansion' in order to explicitly convey that I am trapped within the premises. Moreover, I have a genuine curiosity about whether restraining someone to a post for the duration of two hours can be considered harmless. I genuinely need to know who wrote that law book. You see, I typically possess a cheerful personality, but the one thing I detest is being dictated to and having my actions controlled by others. Even if he happens to be a vampire, I pride myself on being an independent woman. In fact, I reached my legal age just today, which means there is no way he can impede or curtail my exercise of personal rights. Undeterred, I dismissed him and took steps towards the exit, only to once again be abruptly halted by his presence.

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