June 22nd, 1967

It’s been a long time since I have written in this thing, but I couldn’t help but pull it out and take a look at all that happened my first year here. So much has happened since my last entry, so much I wish I had taken the time to write about…

I never found out what happened to Mabel. Looking back now, I am almost positive she either ran away, something that many children did and still do, or died. I’m not sure which would have been worse. Julia is gone now too. She got put into a different school, she never told me where or why. She left almost a year ago now, during the fall season. I miss her so much, as much as I miss Daniel and my family back home.

Speaking of home, today we got the news that the school is closing down. I’m going to get to go home in a few days! I’m so excited but, I can’t help but be a little scared as well.  

So much has changed about me since I left my family - since I came here. Will it be the same? Will Mom and Dad still love me? Will Daniel still think of me as his sister, despite not being allowed to speak for all these years? These are the questions that haunted me ever since I got the news. I can only hope that everything will turn out okay, that my parents and brother still love me, that I can simply forget all that I have seen in this place.

I may not have been able to help but allow these place and all the experiences that came with it to change me, but maybe that's okay. Maybe everything will be okay.

Elaine White

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