October 15th, 1966

I’m scared. I haven’t seen Julia since we were allowed outside. You see, Julia doesn’t like to listen very much… It’s gotten her into some trouble in the past, but I have a feeling that this time was different.

We were outside playing in the yard for recess. Julia kept looking over to the boys half of the yard, the side that the girls weren’t allowed on under any circumstances. I tried to get her attention, but her eyes were fixed on the fence that kept the two yards separated. Suddenly she just stood up and started marching over to the fence. I tried yet again to get her attention, tried to bring her back over to the tree that we had been sitting under before, but she wasn’t having any of it. I couldn’t call out to her because I didn’t want any of the nuns to see her so close to the fence, and I wasn’t risking getting that close myself.

Julia got right up to the fence and she looked like she was talking to someone, one of the boys. From what I could see, which wasn’t much, he looked a little older than her and he didn’t look too happy with her. Julia didn’t look too happy with him either.

She was only there for maybe two minutes before she got caught. One of the nuns, Sister Mary, saw her talking to the boy and quickly rushed over to her. She grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away, yelling something to the boy on the other side of the fence. Sister Mary dragged her inside, and I haven’t seen Julia since then. She wasn’t in her bed at curfew. I’m worried. I hope she’s okay.

Elaine White

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