December 2nd, 1966

They gave away Mabel’s things today. Now instead of her sitting beside me during morning Mass, I have a new girl. She’s short, and a little tubby too. I don’t like her very much. She’s always trying to talk to me, always getting me in trouble with the Sisters, even though I never say a word back to her.

She took Mabel’s bed and shoes too. I can’t see her from where my bed is but, I can definitely hear her. She cries all night. It’s very annoying. I just want back Mabel. Mabel was never annoying. She never got me into trouble.

Other people don’t seem to have noticed Mabel is gone. I wonder if it would be like that if I disappeared too. If people would just forget I was even here. Would Julia or Daniel notice? Would they say something? I can only hope…

Elaine White

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