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Clair's POV

i was pacing the lenght of my living room when Kristopher strode in. I was surprised to see him, considering he had ditched me for that loser he called a best friend and had seemed rather intent on whatever stupid video game they were going to play. I didnt know why i was so angry with him but i was, i also didnt know why he had such an angry look on his face.

"Why didnt you tell me about the locker?" He demanded, not bothering with a hello "Why didnt you tell me things were happening around you?"

I stopped my pacing, scewering him with a fierce glare.

"I didnt tell you because you didnt take the time to listen" I snapped "You have been so busy with your best friend Dan that i didnt have the time nor the paitents to tell you!"

"You have had plenty of time to tell me!" Kris said "More then enough time"

"Oh im sorry that on the truck ride between school and here i didnt tell you that strange things keep happening around me and that i think my powers are manefesting. You were a little pre-occupied"

"I would have taken the time" Kris growled "I would have sent Dan away"

I snorted, unable to cover up my dis-beliefe. 

"Oh im sure you would have" I said sarcasticly 

Kris turned around from the book shelf he had momentairly been facing 

"Whats that supposed to mean?" He demanded

I didnt know why, but i was extremely angry now. I was angry with him for not taking the time to figure out what was going on in the first place and now i was even more angry because he was angry with me for not telling him. 

"It means that you are becoming the same self absorbed jerk you were a year ago!" I cried "How long is it going to be before you start treating me like crap again? your  already on that road, your already ignoring me"

"What!" Kristopher shouted "Are you insane? your my girlfriend, i wouldnt treat you like crap, i wouldnt ignore you!"

"Then where were you last week when i got the call that my great aunt died?" I shouted, tears filling my eyes "Where were you when that bullied pushed that kid into a locker and then knocked my books out of my hands! WHERE WERE YOU!"

With those last words my anger reached its peak, a vase full of dried roses on the mantel exploded behind Kris, causing him to cover his head.

"Clair!" He shouted "What the hell!"

I stood there, hands shaking, tears streaming down my face. Kris was starring at me in shock.

"Clair!" He said softly "Let me help you"

"No" I whispered "I dont need your help"

"Clair" Kristopher said, his voice stronger "Please!"

"I said no! Kristopher!" I shouted "We are done!"

Kristopher froze, his face going pale and his eyes widening

"What?" He whispered in disbeliefe 

"We are done!" i said more quitly "We are over"

Kris took a step forward

"Clair" He said, reaching out for me, i held a hand up to stop him 

"No!" I said, tears streaming down my face "Leave"

He dropped his hand, looking completely lost.

"We need each other" He said 

I shook my head

How my boyfriend got turned into a Nutcracker....againWhere stories live. Discover now