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P.O.V Jaime

I can't believe I'm dating Vic. Shit he's perfect. Vic strips off his shirt and takes off his pants. OH GOOD GOD. He pulls on some shorts turning to take a look at me. I swear I could drool right now. Oh how good he looks right fucking now.

"Like what you see babe?" he teases. I look down and blush. I'm not to sure on what to call him. I mean he calls me babe and stuff.

"Ugh I...can I borrow some cloths to sleep in?" I ask trying to change the subject. He pulls on his tank top then hands me shirt and a pair of shorts. I put them on and sit on the foot of his bed. Vic tackles me down then rolls over onto his back. I laugh and rest my head on his chest. He laces his fingers with mine. Vic is to sweet I swear.

"What do you wanna do babe?" Vic asks.

"I don't know babes" I say.

"Do you wanna cuddle and watch tv then?" he yawns. I nod into his chest. I draw random patterns on his
stomach as we watched American dad. I roll over and lay on a pillow that smells like Vic. The bed shifts and I feel an arm wrap around waist. I smile. I close my eyes thinking about our date.

morning time

P.O.V Vic

"Guys this is wrong."

"Maddie shut up my house my brother."

"Tony stop taking pictures!"

"Guys you will wake the antichrist that goes by Vic," OH MY GOD THEY ARE IN MY ROOM AND IM SPOONING JAIME AND FUCK ME NOW THEY KNOW.

"Well I guess you guys owe me a hundred dollars each...told you he was gay."

"Carly shut the fuck up...we know you won now. "

"I ship them so hard core."

"Go away we are trying sleep...fuck off... Except Carly I need to talk to her for a moment," I grumble. They all leave. Carly sits in the bed next to me.

"What the hell! Why is everyone here!" I hiss. She's sighs.

"I tried to talk them out of coming here and going to my house, but Mike wanted us to come here. I'm sorry I tried to talk him out of it I swear Vic," she sighs.

Carly gets off the bed then goes out the door. Jaime's stirs in his sleep. How could he not notice any of this? He sits up.

"I heard everything babe," is what he says.

I sit up with him. I look at him with tired eyes.

"Well should we get some breakfast?" I ask him.

"No," he lays back down.

I lay down to where I'm laying almost all on top of him. I place my lips on his. Our lips dance amongst eachother. I pull back out of breath and smiling at his beautiful face. He takes his hands pulling me back in for more.

P.O.V Jaime

We walk into the kitchen. Carly, Tony, Mike, and Maddie are all in there staring at us. My cheeks flash a bright red. They all start smirking.

"So what's for breakfast?" Vic saves me.

"Well Carly and Maddie can make us breakfast or we can go out and eat," Tony says. Carly shoots him a look and he looks down.

"It's fine we'll make pancakes...right Carly," Maddie says and elbows Carly's ribs. she grumbles under her breath and grabs my arm.

"You do know I saw you know kiss and shit right?" Says Maddie. I look down at my feet shit. I don't want to lose my only friends.

"Jaime I don't care that you like Vic...I ship you hard core with him. Look if that little shit Jack gives you any trouble you tell Me or Carly and we will kill him because him homicide solves everything. I mean everything," she smiles. I laugh a little. I don't know what I would do with out them. They would go to prison for me if need be.

"Thanks guys," I smile with my dimples showing.

"Yes Mike I'm dating him! Yes that's where I was last night! Yes go away and leave me alone! I'm going to gossip with the girls in the kitchen! Leave me alone I know I'm gay fuck off!" Vic says and walks in the kitchen. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"Oh dear fucking Jesus Christ on a goddamn bicycle they are adorable together!" Carly says. She walks over to us and pinches our cheeks. Vic swats her hand away while laughing.

"Vic it's going to ok" she says and kissed his forehead. She pats my head then goes back to help Maddie. That girl... always amazes me. Vic rest his head on my shoulder.

" FOOD IS READY YOU ASSHOLES!" Maddie yells. They all stumble in and grab a plate. we all sat in the living room. sitting next to Vic made me less nervous.

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