Chapter 5

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            I awake again at about 8:30 AM. I probably would've woke up earlier if it wasn't for someone being loud and waking me up at 3 in the morning. Claire is already awake. Nolan's not. Alright, that's cool with me. I get some alone time with Claire, my best friend.

            "You never wake up this late..." notices Claire.

           I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I know. So you know how I have that rule about how nobody can wake me up before 7?"

           "Um, yeah." Claire knows this. She's experienced the consequences. "It's kind of stupid, honestly, considering that you wake up before 6 on a regular basis, but you get all triggered if other people wake you up." 

            I decide to ignore the last part what Claire just said. I absolutely hate being woken up. It reminds me of the worst year of my life, seventh grade. "Someone decided to be very noisy at 3 AM last night."

           Claire understands. "That probably wasn't a good idea by him. Did he experience your wrath?"

            "Holy crap, I forgot to absolutely destroy him!" I shake my head at my stupidity. "How about we see how he feels about being woken up?" I grin.

            "Oh boy, you got Satan's Smile going again." Claire laughs. "But yeah, I'm down."

            We grab a cup of water. After the awakening at 3 AM, I know where the water glasses are, so at least that's one good thing that came out of it. 

            "Ice or no ice?" Claire asks.

            I grin that evil grin that Claire calls 'Satan's Smile.' "Ice. For sure."

            I'm surprised Claire agreed to do this. She's literally the sweetest person I know. Maybe it's because she's experienced my wrath, and doesn't want to get on the wrong side. I don't care, I'm just glad she's sticking by me. That's what a real friend should do. I have a few people in mind from middle school that could learn from her.

             "Shall we execute the plan?" says Claire when she finishes filling the glass with ice and water.

             "Execute Order 66." I die laughing. Prequel memes are so funny. "Because you know, Mario Lemieux. I'm totally not quoting Star Wars or anything."

            Claire laughs also. "This is why I'm your best friend." 

            We sneak into Nolan's room. He's still sleeping. I can see his bare shoulders exposed a bit. Good. This plan will be more effective that way. I begin to slowly pour the glass of water. First on Nolan's face, then the part of his shoulders I can see, then on the blanket. His eyelashes begin to flutter, then he realizes there is water on his face and hair.

            "What the fuck?" He screams. I start laughing. He's so triggered. 

            Claire begins to laugh, but I can tell she feels bad. "Consider this revenge." I say. Nolan sits up, throwing the blanket off him. 

            "I'm literally going to kill you." He mutters as he jumps out of his bed in only his sweatpants.


             I run out of his bedroom. I realize as I am running that I really can't hide, it's only an apartment. I jump onto the couch and hide under a blanket. Nolan comes into the living room/kitchen. Oh crap. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. 

             He pulls the blanket off my head. I stand up, ready for a fight. I'll fight him if he wants to fight. He looks into my eyes and shakes his head. "Why are you like this?"

             "That's confidential." I state. "We're even."

             Nolan looks confused. "What did I ever do to you?"

            "Well, first off, you're a Philthadelphia Cryer. Second, you WOKE ME UP AT 3 IN THE MORNING!" I yell.

            He looks annoyed. "Ok, I guess." 

A/N: So Loren got her revenge yeet! Also I forgot to add this into the last A/N BUT THE PENGUINS WON THEIR SERIES WOOP WOOP! As you can tell this book is behind but I'm planning for the Flyers' offseason to play a pretty big part in the novel. I'm just praying Nolan gets traded so I can like him and not feel guilty lolol

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