Chapter 4

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          I awake to the sound of a refrigerator being opened. I open one eye. It's still dark outside, so why would anyone be up at this hour? The lights aren't even turned on. Are we being robbed? I open the other eye and sit up on the couch. Of course, it's Nolan going into the fridge and eating an apple.

           "What time is it?" I yawn.

            "About 3 AM." replies Nolan.

            I hate being woken up before seven. Anytime after seven is ok. But 3 in the morning? You'd have to have a death wish. "Why the hell are you up at 3 in the goddamn morning?" I whisper-shout. 

            "I couldn't sleep." says Nolan. He looks scared. Good.

           "Well, now I can't either!" I yell. I don't even care if Claire gets waken up at this point. Literally, who in their right mind would wake up everyone at 3 IN THE MORNING?!?!??!?!?!?

           He winces as I yell. "Why are you so tall?" Slick, Nolan. Trying to change the subject.

           "Nice change of subject." I glare. "You're taller than me, so..." 

           "But girls aren't usually 6 foot." Nolan states.

           "It's helpful if you play volleyball." I say.

           I stand up and grab a glass from one of the cabinets, and begin to fill it up with water from the fridge. I'm thirsty. For some reason I always wake up in the middle of the night dying of thirst. 

            Nolan smirks. "Vous avez l'air bien dans mon nom et mon numéro." You look good in my name and number. Nice. I feel myself blushing again. Good thing he didn't turn the lights on. I honestly don't even know why I'm blushing, I hate Nolan Patrick.

            "Vous devrais juste te taire." I laugh. I just told him to shut up in French.

            He shakes his head. "Loren, you're as cold as ice."

            "I know." I sigh. "There's a reason."

            I drink my water in an awkward silence. Nolan keeps looking at me, making me feel self-conscious. My height isn't anything he should be worrying about. Or maybe it's what I just said to him. I could care less. 

            I set the glass in the sink. I walk across the kitchen to the living room very quietly, trying not to wake Claire. I go back to sleep without looking at him once.

A/N: Sorry, this is a short one. Only 388 words 😬. I got the quote in tho yeet! I was supposed to be doing my French hw while I was writing this so maybe that's why its so short?? Idk. Is it also sad that I listened to "Mii Channel Theme, but noot [10 HOURS] while writing this? I got 45 minutes in oof

Cold as Ice // N.PatrickOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara