TheConrellClan123's entry!

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What is your name?


What is the name of your story?

Forced Freefall

Is your story completed?

Not yet

Why should people vote for your story?

I would like my stories to get noticed. By doing that, I need myself to get noticed. And at the end of the day, every single person would like that. Writers have to help each other out. That is why I ask that anyone who read my story would be generous enough to vote for it. 

What is the summary of your story?

In 2593, Isaac Jordan has been arrested, although he is innocent. A bank robber dropped money beside him as he ran, and poor, starving Isaac was forced to grab the three dollars. The local detectives convicted him of being an accomplice in the supposed conspiracy. But the ruthless government doesn't give you the liberty of prison, the luxury of jail. You receive the punishment of being thrown off of a plane. Certain death, in other words. But when Isaac rebels, and allows the pilot to join him, he parachutes to the island, along with the pilot. Will the pilot betray him? Will Isaac live to reach the land again? Will they come across others? Read Forced Freefall to find out! 

What is the link of your story?

I have published Forced Freefall via Wattpad, but no where else. The link is here: .

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