BGregory's entry

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What is your story title? : When The Levee Breaks (Series 1)

Why should people vote for your  story?

It's pretty unique as it is a new design of my zombie story. So if people think that this story is for them and their type then they should go for it! It's got humor and horror- so it's got a lot of funny bits and gore for those people that like that!

What is the summary of your story?

Cooper Fields is a 20 year old man, who has just become a father. He's a working man, with a beautiful wife and a gorgeous newborn daughter. When the zombie apocalypse begins with a traffic surge, Cooper and his terrace leave for the country. How will they all cope to this new drama? 4)

What is your story link? 5)

Is you story completed?

Nope, it will be soon though! IF I work hard and dedicated to it! :3

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