Shinrra's entry (2014)

231 9 2

What is the title of you're story? :

The snow spirit

Is you're story completed? : 

No, I'm working on it

Why should people vote for you're story? :

People should vote for my story because I worked really hard on it and I think it's good. I stole nothing from my fellow writers (to whom I say good luck and hi). This is my first time I enter the wattys, and I want to take my chance. People should vote only if they liked the story and think I might have a chance to continue. 

What is the summary of you're story? :

Katherine's life has always been far from normal, starting with the fact that her parents were taken away from her when she was just 5. Her traumatic childhood with her grandma hadn't helped her either, as she was driven to do the final desperate act: calling the orphanage. 

Her luck hadn't helped her even then. If she wouldn't have silently loved solidarity and dusk-time trips, she might have gone mad. Everyone there hated her, including the mistress whom never offered her a hand.

She had never known the full extent of friendship, and she shan't, for as long as she is trapped within herself, for she is a Spirit Shifter. Her only friend ever has been Daubed all along, her soul and her savior, the one who doesn't trust her.

Nothing except the neverending snow seems real, but that is only until the day she'll be adopted. Only then, she will have to fight for her freedom and her new family.

Link : (Link does not work)

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