Part 68: All It Takes

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Hey everyone!
Here's another chapter for my awesome readers!

With each chapter your opportunity gets smaller!
Even if you think it's silly I guarantee someone else is thinking it!!
This chapter hurt to write.

Love you guys! Don't forget to check out my new book and follow me so you get updates on all my work!!


The day of Claire's surgery

"Are you excited?" I asked, my knees jumping up and down from my own excitement as I sat in one of the two chairs beside Claire's bed.

"I'm excited to walk again, not to be split open," she giggled.

"Don't forget you've got heaps of rehab and you need to keep up with it," in came Mr Serious Mason. I rested my hand on his knee as if to say, 'one thing at a time.'

"I know, but I just can't wait to actually walk again. To not have to worry about catching a cold or ask someone to help me to the bathroom four times a day."

I nodded. I didn't know what she was going through, but from what she'd told me I couldn't wait for her to get her previous life back.

"Soon," I whispered with a smile, taking her hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

Mason had been quiet and if he did say something it was some factual biology stuff that I didn't really understand. I mean I nodded with pursed lips and said 'yes, yes' twirling my metaphorical moustache so he thought I understood, but I don't think it was very effective...

"Ashley, do you mind if I talk to Mason for a sec?" Claire asked, her voice small and serious.

"Yeah of course, I'll just run a grab a coffee,"
I got up and went on search for the small cafe on the corner I saw when we walked in.

While ordering two coffees I looked around and thought about how many times we'd been here in this last year.

First there was the car crash - thanks Lucas.

Second there was when Mason thought it would be a good idea to scale the side of our apartment building when we'd both forgotten our keys, and he plummeted 2.5 metres into a stack of full rubbish bags and thought he'd broken his ribs - luckily he didn't but we had a great story to tell.

Third there was Cameron after he thought he'd broken his ankle, turns out he'd just twisted it, and when I asked how he and Mason shared a shifty glance. I still have to ask him about that...

Fourth there was when I was pregnant - the doctors office was within the hospital building.

And then there was now. I prayed that this would be the last time we'd have to come here for a while.

Mason came and stood beside me, his breathing a little ragged but normal enough.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and rested my head against his shoulder.

"You okay?" I said just loud enough for him to hear, looking up at his face.

He leaned down to kiss me gently, giving me a quick squeeze before our coffees were in front of us.

We started making our way back to Claire's room.

"I still have to ask you, how did Cameron twist his ankle?" My eyes were like little needles as his face grew the expression and I can most easily describe as 'oh, shit'.

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