Part 30: Untimely Happy Memories

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Hey guys, so I know it's been a long time since I posted and I should tell you that it'll probably be a while before I post again but hopefully not as long... on that note, enjoy this chapter as much as you can, I personally did.


"Look, I think you're freaking out over nothing." I threw my hands in the air and thought if my eyebrows grew any taller they'd creep off my face and stick to the ceiling. 

"I have every reason to be paranoid, Ashley." His hands were in his hair and tugging forcefully at the roots.

There was no way that Lucas would be able to find me up here in the mountains. I'd never told him where my dad lived and the road to get here is impossible - hence the reason I didn't want to drive.

Shortly after dinner that night, Lucas had left a voice message on my phone saying something I could hardly understand. There was loud music in the background but I swore I could make out 'coming to find you' in amidst the noise. I also made the mistake of telling Mason this..

"There's security cameras here Mason, we'll know." I rested my hands on his chest and tried to catch his sight but he wouldn't look at me.

He shrugged me off and paced around the room.

"Mason, if anything, I should be the one panicking. And I'm not." I lied. Truthfully, I was terrified. There was once a time when I thought that he wouldn't hurt me, and if I'd said that now it would be empty words.

I wasn't about to let Mason see that either.

He continued pacing back and forth while I sat cross legged on the bed and watched his dizzying movements.

"Mason why are you so worried about this?"

"Because after everything he's done to you and my sister, if he comes here I will actually kill him." His fist balled at his sides and I ran through his words again.

"What did he do to your sister?" I asked softly, my eyes finding their way to his. He was... shocked. At himself I think.

"Nothing. Nothing, he didn't nothing to her." He mumbled, finally stilling and sitting beside me with his head in his hands on elbows on his knees.

Why would he say that? Unless... unless that was why he didn't want me to go out with him, because he'd been with Claire and she was hurt by him.

He said he was dangerous. Oh my god.

"He did this to Claire didn't he?" I whispered more to myself than him. He peered over at me.

"Oh my god. That's why you didn't want me to go out with him! Because he was the dick who crashed the car and wrecked Claire legs!" Everything pieced together in a dizzy and confusing puzzle and I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I was sad, shocked, confused. I was furious.

Mason twisted so he was facing me, his eyes pained but his face blank.

"When you said he was dangerous I didn't listen." I sobbed and he held my arms, gently rubbing soothing circles on my skin.

He simply nodded.

How could Lucas do that to Claire? How could he do that to me?

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