Chapter 5: A Scare at the Beach

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“Elena! Your drink is ready!” Damon called to me from the beach bar. I was busy walking along the shore with my best friends when I glanced over at my boyfriend. He had tossed his shirt on the beach chair and was standing there drinking and laughing with Ric and Stefan. Matt and Jeremy were lounging on the chairs, sipping some coconut drink and chatting about miscellaneous things.

                “Having fun?” Damon asked, as he handed me the blue-coloured fruity drink. He wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled.

                “Yes! Mmm, this is delicious!” I sipped my drink and smiled when Damon kissed my cheek softly.

                “Smile, you two!” Alaric held his iPhone up, ready to snap a picture of Damon and me.

                Damon pulled me right into his arms, making me laugh and him smile. Ric took the picture and smiled, “Nice pic.”

                “Oh you guys are doing pictures already?” Caroline beamed, “Group photo! Everyone in front of the ocean!”

                Damon asked the bartender to snap a couple photos of the whole group. Afterwards, Caroline hadn’t had enough of the pictures, so she got Jeremy and Matt to snap a few with Bonnie and me and then some more with Stefan. I wanted some more with Damon, so I got Caroline to take those. By the end of the photo op., we had at least 50 pictures of everyone.

                “I’ll take a few more while you guys are swimming, don’t worry,” Alaric assured Caroline, who still wasn’t done.

                Damon scooped me up in his arms and ran to the edge of the water.

                “Don’t you dare, Da – ”

                I squealed when I hit the cool water. I glared at Damon, “Get. In. Here. Right. Now. Salvatore.”

                He just smirked and shook his head, “I like the view from here, Elena.”

                I saw Caroline sneak up behind him and I nodded at her, grinning.

                “What’s so fun – ” Damon started but was cut off when Caroline pushed him into the water so that he landed near me.

                His expression was priceless, and Caroline and I were in fits of laughter at the scene. Stefan snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. They decided to go for a walk along the beach before swimming.

                “So that’s how you want to play, Elena?” Damon began swimming towards me, ignoring the splashes of water I was sending his way.

                “You’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you?” he teased, finally pulling me into his arms.

POST-SEASON 5 DELENA REUNION: I'M RIGHT HEREHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin