Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“Oh my god, the Black Widow is in my house, oh my god, oh shit, we are going to die!”  Jane was panicking.  So was Abby but she was just muttering really fast to herself, it took Lisa a few seconds to realize she was praying.  Lisa was panicking to, but Lisa would be damned if she ever showed that kind of weakness, even if she was being stalked by a serial killer with no more than 2 inches of wood separating them.

“Guys its okay, we will survive this, we will not let this bitch kill us.” Said Lisa.

The kicks and bangs suddenly got louder, the Black Widow could here them through the door.

“CALL ME A BITCH WILL YOU! I’M GOING TO FUCKING CUT YOUR CLIT OFF AND SHOW IT TO YOU, YOU WHORE!”  The kicks and bangs continued to get louder and more intense and frequent, and the girls grew more terrified.

“What are we going to do?” Abby whispered, finally done repenting her sins.

“We are going to figure a way out of this,” Lisa Said.

“How?” spurted Jane.

Lisa paused for a moment, took a deep breath then whispered, “On the count of three we are going to turn around, kick the door down, and knock the bitch off her feet.” i

Abby and Jane were both scared stiff but they knew that Lisa was right, this would be the only way to save themselves and possibly get out of this situation alive.

What they didn’t realize was that the pounding had stopped.

Lisa started counting.

“One, Two, THREE” The three leapt forward then turned around and in one moment of unison strength they used all the power in their legs to kick the door down to the other side.  As the door fell they were shocked to see nothing but an empty dark hallway.

The three were now even more terrified, now there one line of defense was gone and the Black Widow was no where to be seen.  

Jane decided to be brave and peak her head around the corner to see if the Black Widow was in sight. She poked her head around the corner, and turned to the girls to confirm that there was no one guarding the corner by the stairs.

The two sighed with immense relief and started rushing out the room, they got to the stairs and when they saw no white face to meet them, they rushed down the stairs to the front door.

Jane unlocked the door and swung it open but both her and her relief were short lived because behind the door was the Black Widow, who in an instant had her knife all the way to the hilt in Jane’s gut.  Jane fell forward dead to her friends sobs and cries of terror, when the Black Widow advanced onto Abby, Lisa didn’t hesitate a second and punched the Black Widow as hard as she could in her bust.  The Black Widow clutched her breast, moaning in pain as Lisa and Abby pushed past her and ran out the front door.

The two made it out and reached Abby’s car.  Abby scrambled with her keys and got in only to find that Lisa was still outside, looking back at the house.

“Lisa, what the fuck?  Get in!” Screamed Abby.  “Get in we need to tell the police what just happened.”

Lisa didn’t say anything, she just kept looking back at the house.

Finally she said the fateful words, “You go.”


“You go, you tell the police what happened and where I am.  I’m going back.”  Lisa said with more confidence than she had ever known.

“WHY!?” Abby screamed again, “SHE’LL KILL YOU!” 

“She’ll try” Lisa replied, not making eye contact, still staring back at the house.  “She’ll try, but she won’t, she won’t win.  I refuse to let her win.” She finally turned to look at Abby, “This is my chance to prove I’m not the killer, by stopping her myself.”


“By the time we get there she might have left, and what then?  The police spend more time looking, and she lives to kill another day.  Meanwhile everyone thinks I’m the killer more than ever because I survived but everyone I hated just conveniently dies. No.  She has robbed me of my social life, then she robbed me of my reputation, now she’s robbed me of my friends and more importantly she is robbing all of us, she is giving all women every where a horrible name and image and I will not stand for that, EVER.”  Lisa had the poise and confidence of an action hero.

Abby was speechless.

“Get in the car, go to the police, and bring them here.  I’ll be safe I promise.”  Lisa said.

Abby wanted to get her into the car, but she knew it was pointless to argue with Lisa.  She got in and sped away.

And Lisa marched back to the house.

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