Chapter 10

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We come close to Jackie as if she were a new one.

"Whoa Jack! Where'd you get such new and luxurious things?" I said.

"Have you won in a sweepstakes?" Victor added.

"No," she answered.

"I just have this because of nothing."

Victor and I just looked on each other. We don't really have an idea.

"Anyway, do you miss me?" she said.

"Y-yeah, I missed-" Victor was cut by Jackie.

"Well if two of you do, I'll treat you later in the famous seafood restaurant downtown!" Jackie surprised us.

"Oh really?! Well I don't think I shouldn't go!" I exclaimed.

"And so as me!" Victor said.

After class, we had a ride to go downtown. She called the waiter and asked for our order. Victor and I thought it was just a joke but she did and now we're eating. I didn't finish my food. I remember Mr. Murphy here. I knew that Queenie was not a friend of his, but his girlfriend. I am a pessimist. I go straight to the point where the worst part was. And no doubt, she is. Jack and Victor looked at my frowning face.

"What's wrong?" Victor said with a puzzling look.

While Jackie, seems like she can't look at me.

"What? Nothing! I just bit the pepper. Nothing's on. Haha, so paranoid,.." I pretended.

Then we continued eating I mean only the two of them.

I don't feel so comfortable here. "I think I should go first to the washroom." I excused myself.

I washed my hands and look at myself in the mirror. Well, I look just fine.

Illegal Love {a teacher/student love affair}Where stories live. Discover now